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Search results for "Eriocephalus" (displaying 3 of 3 on page 1)

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Eriocephalus africanus

Eriocephalus africanus
Common names: wild rosemary (Eng.), wilderoosmaryn, kapokbos (Afr.)
Family: Asteraceae

... Botanical Garden June 2000   Along its wide distribution Eriocephalus africanus is very variable, especially when ... seed heads look like cotton wool or snow, which gave Eriocephalus the common name kapokbos in Afrikaans. (Kapok refers to snow). Eriocephalus africanus is found mostly on clay and granite ...

11 / 06 / 2001 | Liesl Van der Walt | Kirstenbosch NBG
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Common names: wild rosemary (Eng.); kapokbos, wilderoosmaryn (Afr.)
Family: Asteraceae

... Magee Compton Herbarium October 2012 Members of the genus Eriocephalus are woody, evergreen and often aromatic shrubs. ... the famous so-called Karoo lamb from these regions. Eriocephalus To our knowledge, only E. africanus and E. ... it a valuable inclusion in herbal or aromatic gardens. Eriocephalus punctulatus and E. eximius are in our opinion ...

22 / 10 / 2012 | B Busch | Compton Herbarium
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Eriocephalus racemosus

Eriocephalus racemosus
Common names: coast wild rosemary (Eng.); strandveldkapok, kapkappie, strandkapokbos, kapokkie (Afr.)
Family: Asteraceae

... Festus Kirstenbosch National Botanical Garden July 2015 Eriocephalus racemosus is a dense, erect shrub that can ... Read more about this plant and its varieties, and other Eriocephalus here. Eriocephalus racemosus occurs naturally on coastal dunes and ...

10 / 08 / 2015 | Benjamin Festus | Kirstenbosch NBG
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