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Search results for "Satyrium" (displaying 4 of 4 on page 1)

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Satyrium carneum

Satyrium carneum
Common names: pink satyr orchid (Eng.); rooikappie, rooi-trewwa, ewwa-trewwa (Afr.)
Family: Orchidaceae

... NBG Berenice Carolus Harold Porter NBG November 2003 Satyrium carneum is a robust plant with stout stems. It grows ... in spring and early summer, from September to November. Satyrium carneum  grows among dune-bush vegetation, in ... hills and ridges, and on moist to dry sands and limestone. Satyrium carneum  is pollinated by the Lesser ...

10 / 11 / 2003 | Berenice Carolus | Harold Porter NBG
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Satyrium coriifolium

Common names: golden satyr orchid (Eng.); ewwa-trewwa, goue-trewwa, ouma-trewwa, rooi-trewwa (Afr.)
Family: Orchidaceae

... Herbarium, Kirstenbosch Research Centre August 2005 The  Satyrium coriifolium  plants are perennial and have large ... are mostly 25 to 50 cm tall and are normally very robust. Satyrium coriifolium can readily be distinguished from all ... flowers is very striking. As is typical in the genus Satyrium, the flowers are 'non-resupinate' (meaning that ...

29 / 08 / 2005 | H Kurzweil | Compton Herbarium
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Satyrium princeps

Part of flower stalk
Common names: red satyr orchid (Eng.); rooitrewwa (Afr.)
Family: Orchidaceae

... winter season and sprouts anew the following autumn. Satyrium flowers are non-resupinate, meaning that the ... segment, while the sepals and petals face downwards. Satyrium princeps is known from only a few sites in the ... Strandveld and Albany Dune Strandveld vegetation types. Satyrium princeps is adapted to a winter growth cycle of ...

21 / 01 / 2013 | Graham Duncan | Kirstenbosch NBG
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Satyrium rhodanthum

Satyrium rhodanthum. Photo Richard Braby
Common names: None recorded
Family: Orchidaceae

... They are 2-liped and have a beak-like projection. Satyrium rhodanthum is restricted to a portion of the ... Eastern escarpment fashioned by igneous intrusions. Satyrium rhodanthum occurs in damp grasslands at altitudes between 700–1 100 m. Satyrium rhodanthum is a terrestrial orchid which persists in ...

21 / 09 / 2015 | Kaveesha Naicker | CREW
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