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Search results for "Watsonia" (displaying 12 of 12 on page 1)

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Watsonia marginata

Watsonia marginata
Common names: broad-leaf watsonia (Eng.), breëblaar-kanolpypie, rooikanolpypie, kanolpypie (Afr.)
Family: Iridaceae

... and have longer and wider perianth tubes. In other words, Watsonia marginata flowers are cup-shaped and Ixia-like compared to its tubular-flowered relatives. This watsonia is a deciduous, winter-growing, summer-dormant corm. ... Spike' in the Garden, both of which are tall. The fruit of Watsonia marginata is a small, rounded, woody capsule of ...

29 / 10 / 2001 | Alice Notten | Kirstenbosch NBG
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Watsonia hysterantha

Watsonia hysterantha. Photo: G Duncan
Common names: autumn watsonia (Eng.); herfskanolpypie, suikerkan, rooipypie (Afr.)
Family: Iridaceae

... Graham Duncan Kirstenbosch Botanical Gardens January 2004 Watsonia hysterantha is a most striking scarlet-flowered, ... light, winged seeds to be effectively dispersed by wind. Watsonia hysterantha has a very limited distribution along ... reserves near Darling. Like several other scarlet-flowered Watsonia species with long, narrow perianth tubes, W. ...

12 / 01 / 2004 | Graham Duncan | Kirstenbosch NBG
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Watsonia borbonica

Common names: pink watsonia ( Eng. ); suurkanol, kanolpypie (Afr.)
Family: Iridaceae

... Kirstenbosch National Botanical Garden September 2005   Watsonia borbonica is a tender to half-hardy herbaceous ... apex, splitting to release winged seeds, 8-12 x 2.5 mm. Watsonia borbonica grows in the extreme southwest of the ... in deep sandy soil at the foot of the mountains.   Watsonia borbonica is particularly abundant after fires and ...

03 / 10 / 2005 | S Nonkenge | Kirstenbosch NBG
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Watsonia canaliculata

Watsonia canaliculata growing in KZN Botanical Garden
Family: Iridaceae

... Khanyile Natal National Botanical Garden January 2006   Watsonia canaliculata is a solitary, medium-sized, pink ... rigid, and clearly grooved, a unique feature among the Watsonia which characteristically have flat leaves. The ... to stimulate flowering and greater seed production. Watsonia Although little was previously known about growing ...

09 / 01 / 2006 | S Khanyile | KwaZulu-Natal NBG
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Watsonia vanderspuyiae

Watsonia vanderspuyiae
Common names: bergsuurkanol (Afr.)
Family: Iridaceae

... Kirstenbosch National Botanical Garden November 2011   Watsonia vanderspuyiae has the largest corms, broadest leaves ... Flowering takes place from late September to mid-November. Watsonia vanderspuyiae occurs from the Nieuwoudtville ... releasing the light, winged seeds in strong gusts of wind. Watsonia Due to its large size, this species is unsuited to ...

21 / 11 / 2011 | Graham Duncan | Kirstenbosch NBG
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Watsonia mtamvunae

Photo Tony Abbott
Common names: Umtamvuna watsonia
Family: Iridaceae

... angular-elongate, 3-3,5 mm long, 1,3 mm at the widest. Watsonia mtamvunae is closely related to the W. densiflora ... It grows well on grassy, stony slopes and in damp soil. Watsonia mtamvunae is fairly common at some sites in the ... profusely in some years, particularly after veld fires. Watsonia mtamvunae grows in Pondoland coastal grassland or ...

03 / 09 / 2012 | N Petela | CREW
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Watsonia latifolia

Common names: broad-leaved watsonia (Eng.); sidvwa (siSwati)
Family: Iridaceae

... Mkhipheni Ngwenya KwaZulu-Natal Herbarium September 2012 Watsonia latifolia is an erect perennial geophyte that grows ... 14-20 mm long, about as long as the bracts. Watsonia latifolia is restricted to a small area of the ... to be pollinated by nectar-feeding birds or butterflies. Watsonia Watsonia species are generally very easy to grow and ...

17 / 09 / 2012 | Mkhipheni Ngwenya | KwaZulu-Natal Herbarium
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Watsonia humilis

Pink form
Common names: waxy watsonia (Eng.); waspypie (Afr.)
Family: Iridaceae

... takes place from late September to early November. Watsonia humilis is endemic to the Fynbos Biome in the ... and Swartland Granite Renosterveld. The corms of many Watsonia species are deep-seated and often found wedged ... it is not known what precisely pollinates the flowers. Watsonia Watsonia humilis is a most rewarding subject for ...

09 / 12 / 2013 | Graham Duncan | Kirstenbosch NBG
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Watsonia angusta

Watsonia angusta
Common names: red watsonia (Eng.); grootrooipypie, rooipypie (Afr.)
Family: Iridaceae

... Ndlovu KwaZulu-Natal National Botanical Garden June 2015 Watsonia angusta grows up to 2 m high. It has an underground, ... small, linear seeds. It flowers from November to January. Watsonia angusta is found  almost over the entire ... gently flowing streams. As the flower shape and colour of Watsonia angusta   are similar to several species that are ...

29 / 06 / 2015 | Bathabile Ndlovu | KwaZulu-Natal NBG
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Watsonia tabularis

Watsonia tabularis, pink
Common names: Table Mountain watsonia (Eng.); suurkanol, kanolpypie (Afr.)
Family: Iridaceae

... Kirstenbosch National Botanical Garden December 2015 Watsonia tabularis is a geophyte with a rootstock that is a ... on it, that is enclosed by dry leaf bases, called tunics. Watsonia tabularis is evergreen. New leaves sprout in winter ... wide. They split to release 10 × 3 mm winged seeds. Watsonia tabularis occurs on the Cape Peninsula in the ...

14 / 12 / 2015 | Alice Notten | Kirstenbosch NBG
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Watsonia pillansii

Watsonia pillansii
Common names: Pillans’ watsonia, summer watsonia, bugle lily, Beatrice watsonia (Eng.); suurkanol, knolpypie, lakpypie (Afr.); igotyibe (isiXhosa)
Family: Iridaceae

... seeds, 7–10 mm long, with short wings at each end. Watsonia pillansii occurs in the eastern half of southern ... exposed sites among rocks, in clumps and large colonies. Watsonia pillansii flowers have no scent, are brightly ... the bird’s head as it probes the flower for nectar. Watsonia pillansii is also able to survive fast-moving grass ...

29 / 02 / 2016 | Alice Notten | Kirstenbosch NBG
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Watsonia strictiflora

Watsonia strictiflora
Common names: Klipheuwel watsonia (Eng.); Klipheuwel lakpypie (Afr.)
Family: Iridaceae

... to early December) and is dormant in summer.  Watsonia strictiflora is a narrow endemic of flats and ... which experience winter rainfall and dry summers.    Watsonia strictiflora is a deciduous, winter-growing plant ... by wild antelope, thus severely limiting seed production. Watsonia W. strictiflora is recommended for 25–30 cm ...

28 / 11 / 2016 | Graham Duncan | Kirstenbosch NBG
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