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Terminalia phanerophlebia
A decorative shrub to small tree with a hard, heavy brown wood. It is an ideal tree for street planting....
Caputia oribiensis
Caputia oribiensis is an ascending, sparsely branched, drought tolerant, succulent shrublet, belonging to the daisy family (Asteraceae), with showy,...
Eucomis humilis
This irresistible, remarkable Eucomis humilis is one of the miniature Eucomis species. A summer-growing bulb with wavy margined leaves and an inflorescence...
Lachenalia pygmaea
This tiny lachenalia with pale, almond-scented flowers belongs to subgenus Polyxena and makes a delightful pot plant....
Podalyria buxifolia
Podalyria buxifolia is a delicately beautiful shrub from the southern Cape mountains. It has attractive, dark-green, glossy leaves and the most exquisite...
Liparia hirsuta
With its silvery, hairy calyx and bright yellow flowers, Liparia hirsuta is an eye-catching plant....
Hippia frutescens
This is a good plant for moist gardens and also has a traditional medicinal use....
Plectranthus reflexus
An attractive, unusual and rare shade plant for pots or shade gardens....
Senecio inornatus
Senecio inornatus is a tall robust plant that does not go unnoticed in any grassland or wetland. These solitary plants are often much taller than the...
Plectranthus strigosus
A dainty and delicate ground cover for shade gardens or hanging baskets....
Erica croceovirens
Erica croceovirens is a newly described species which is closely related to other tubular southern Cape species such as E. versicolor, E....
Plectranthus swynnertonii
Plectranthus swynnertonii is an attractive, fast growing late summer to winter flowering herbaceous perennial that will thrive in a moist frost-free...
Barleria dolomiticola
Plant a Red Listed barleria in your garden and support the conservation of the species....
Dyschoriste setigera
This is a delightful low-growing groundcover up to 150-300mm high that requires little or no maintenance and is particularly suitable for water-wise gardens...
Barleria randii
This barleria with its orange/yellow flowers and white leaf margins will be an attractive addition to a rock garden....
Streptocarpus montigena
An unusual small pot plant for indoors, with rough, hairy slightly sticky leaves. This is quite a difficult species to grow — providing the discerning...
Metarungia galpinii
Metarungia galpinii is a very rare and attractive garden plant that occurs mainly in the East London area in the Eastern Cape....
Geranium drakensbergensis
An attractive, floriferous and vigorous herbaceous perennial that makes a wonderful addition to a summer perennial border....
Anthocleista grandiflora
Anthocleista grandiflora is a striking tree with a tall straight trunk topped with a crown of huge leaves. It needs a warm, sunny garden with plenty of...
Crassula spathulata