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Searsia ciliata
Searsia ciliata is one of the more modest members of this popular group of garden plants which hybridize easily. This species, like several others in the...
Nymphoides thunbergiana
This is a pretty, fast-growing, perennial water plant with flat, rounded, floating leaves, and delicate white and yellow flowers in summer. It makes a...
Aloiampelos ciliaris var. ciliaris
Aloiampelos ciliaris var. ciliaris is a small, handsome, climbing aloe and one of the easiest to cultivate. It was previously called Aloe ciliaris...
Crocosmia aurea
This is a very attractive garden plant with a number of bright orange flowers in a full spike at the end of the flower stalk. The tall stalks make it desirable...
Gardeners need not hesitate on the choice of tree if the keurboom is on the list; it is a beautiful tree, suitable for both the domestic garden and big...
Combretum mossambicense
Masses of lovely fluffy pink-white flowers are displayed on bare branches in early spring. Fragrant and resembling small powder puffs, they lure a variety...
Kigelia africana
The sausage tree boasts long, open sprays of large, wrinkled, maroon or dark red trumpet-shaped flowers that are velvety on the inside and that virtually...
Erica perspicua
The Kogelberg Biosphere is well known for its plant diversity, with ericas being plentiful, amongst them Erica perspicua, one of the most well...
Lampranthus aureus
One of the most colourful succulent plants is undoubtedly the beautiful bright orange Lampranthus aureus. It is one of the 'must-have' plants for...
Aloe microstigma
Aloe microstigma is one of the most floriferous aloes in South Africa. It is a common and widespread species that transforms the dull winter landscape...
Combretum kraussii
Handsome, quick growing and reasonably cold resistant, this tree is recommended for shady areas in gardens with a mild to warm climate....
Combretum erythrophyllum
One of the winged wonders belonging to the bushwillow family, this medium-sized tree is a fast grower, producing creamy flowers and beautiful 4-winged...
Aloidendron barberae
Aloidendron barberae is a striking sculptural tree aloe bearing a rounded, neat crown. It was previously known as Aloe barberae. It forms an...
Lithops olivacea
Lithops species are probably amongst the most well-camouflaged and cryptic plants in the world. Their common name, stone plant, is particularly apt, as...
Lachenalia viridiflora
Lachenalia viridiflora is a most appealing autumn- and winter-flowering bulbous plant, growing up to 200 mm high. Its startling turquoise blooms place...
Hypoxis colchicifolia
This is a must for every South African gardener, not only for its medicinal uses, but also for its bright yellow flowers in late spring....
Cyperus textilis
This is a decorative waterside plant that can also be used to weave baskets and sleeping mats or to make rolled twine....
Crinum paludosum
This is a very beautiful lily with funnel-shaped flowers that are white to pale pink, enhanced by reddish stigmas. Crinum paludosum is a slender,...
Dovyalis caffra
Dovyalis caffra is a lovely evergreen fruit tree or shrub. It is one of the three Dovyalis species, together with D. zeyheri (wild...
Bolusanthus speciosus
The tree wisteria is certainly one of the most spectacular of our indigenous trees when in flower, mimicking the splendour of the jacaranda, which unfortunately...