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Search results for "Cannomois" (displaying 2 of 2 on page 1)

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Cannomois grandis

Cannomois grandis, female plant
Common names: giant river-reed, large bell reed, grand Cape-reed, rekoala, pokers (Eng.); bergbamboes, besemriet, besemgoed, olifantsriet, perdehoef, assegaai (Afr.
Family: Restionaceae

... Kirstenbosch National Botanical Garden October 2016 Cannomois grandis is a beautiful, large, rush- or ... on spreading, unbranched or sparsely branched rhizomes. Cannomois plants are dioecious, which means the male and ... non-reproductive parts of the flower, called the perianth. Cannomois grandis belongs to the large southern hemisphere ...

17 / 10 / 2016 | Anthony Hitchcock |
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Cannomois virgata

Male inflorescence
Common names: bell reed, rekoala (Eng.); bergbamboes, besemriet,olifantsriet, perdehoef, assegaai (Afr.)
Family: Restionaceae

... Kirstenbosch National Botanical Garden April 2014   Cannomois virgata used to be the common scientific name for a ... recently C. grandis and C. robusta were grouped within the Cannomois virgata species complex . Professor Peter Linder at ... accordingly split the complex into three distinct species: Cannomois virgata -  plants growing to a height of 1.0-1.5m ...

26 / 07 / 2004 | Hanneke Jamieson | Kirstenbosch NBG
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