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Clitoria ternatea var. ternatea
A very attractive species because of its hanging blue flowers, which makes it loved by horticulturists and landscapers. The standard petal with yellow...
Clerodendron glabrum
This is a small tree with smelly leaves and scented flowers in summer. It has many traditional uses....
Cleome gynandra
African cabbage is of economic importance as it is among the herbs that are used as indigenous vegetables in rural areas of southern Africa. Analyses have...
Clematis brachiata
Citrullus lanatus
Cirsium vulgare
Cirsium vulgare is mostly regarded as a weed or undesirable plant. However, the plants are very attractive and offer lots of rewards for butterflies and...
Cichorium intybus
Most people will only admire this pretty, blue-flowered weed along roads and in abandoned fields and not know its other useful properties. Although mostly...
Chrysocoma ciliata
A dense, slender-stemmed shrublet that boasts with its alluring, bright yellow, globular flowerheads....
Chlorophytum bowkeri
A robust perennial herb that makes an impeccable landscape plant, when planted in a mass as a ground cover....
Chloris virgata
Chloris virgata is a pioneer grass that grows on bare ground and is used as pasture and hay grass, commonly known as feather finger grass and distinguishable...
Chloris gayana
Rhodes grass is a very leafy grass which spreads by means of stolons. It is a fairly distinctive grass, not easily confused with other grasses....
Chironia krebsii
A beautiful perennial with striking pink flowers with prominent yellow anthers....
Chaetachme aristata
Chaetachme aristata is a fascinating tree species, commonly found across the eastern regions of southern Africa and in tropical Africa and Madagascar....
Ceropegia crassifolia var. crassifolia
Members of the genus Ceropegia in the strict sense, are characterized by tubular flowers specially adapted for the temporary capture of insects for pollination...
Ceratotheca triloba
Ceratotheca triloba is now known as Sesamum trilobum...
Cerastium arabidis
Unlike other members in the carnation family, Cerastium arabidis is barely known, yet its simple leaves and continuing flushes of pretty,...
Cephalaria zeyheriana
A well-adapted grassland perennial with elongated inflorescence stalks, white or creamy white flower heads, with protruding stamens. Known from the northern...
Cephalaria pungens
Attractive cream, white or pale yellow flower heads, with protruding greyish anthers, attracts you from afar, especially when growing gregariously and...
Cenchrus ciliaris
Cenchrus ciliaris is a perennial, tufted grass. The inflorescence is a bristly 'spike' (like a cat's tail) and is nearly always purple to...
Celtis africana
There is no doubt that this is an excellent tree to use in a landscape, and it is a rewarding garden tree. It gives shade in summer, and is fast and easy...