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Combretum zeyheri
Combretum zeyheri is a bushveld tree, with a rounded crown shape, single or multi-stemmed, with the bark that is smooth and whitish in colour. It is an...
Kalanchoe lanceolata
Narrow-leaved kalanchoe is a strikingly beautiful, but deadly plant, thriving in rocky habitats in the northern parts of the country....
Asparagus ramosissimus
Asparagus ramosissimus is an evergreen perennial with abundant soft, light green foliage and a cascading habit, suited to the shady garden or patio....
Scabiosa columbaria
This is a lovely wild flower species with faintly scented blooms, appearing throughout the year....
Asparagus virgatus
Asparagus virgatus is an evergreen, perennial plant that produces small, greenish white flowers in summer, and small, spheroid, red seeds. It is also known...
Phragmites australis
Phragmites australia is a cosmopolitan perennial grass/reed with grey-green leaves and a light brown to purple inflorescence and the flowers are...
Senecio barbertonicus
When everything else seems dead and dry on the Highveld, this plant flowers in abundance. The deep yellow flowers are sought after by many insects during...
Senecio inornatus
Senecio inornatus is a tall robust plant that does not go unnoticed in any grassland or wetland. These solitary plants are often much taller than the...
Dyschoriste setigera
This is a delightful low-growing groundcover up to 150-300mm high that requires little or no maintenance and is particularly suitable for water-wise gardens...
Hypericum revolutum
The leaves of the evergreen Hypericum revolutum release a curry-like smell when crushed and after rain. The fresh, green foliage and bright yellow...
Monsonia angustifolia
Trichostomum brachydontium
Trichostomum brachydontium is the most widespread and frequently collected moss in South Africa....
Mimusops obovata
Mimusops obovata is an evergreen tree with sweetly scented whitish yellow flowers to which bumblebees are attracted. Flowers are follwed by edible...
Hyperacanthus amoenus
This shrub or small tree with its glossy green foliage and pretty flowers is an attractive option for gardeners looking to expand their collection of indigenous...
Myrothamnus flabellifolius
The leaves of the resurrection plant shrink and appear to be dead in the dry season, but miraculously turn green within a few minutes after exposure to...
Crinum macowanii
Empodium elongatum
Autumn stars, elusive among grasses, are spotted by their bright yellow starry flowers....
Silene undulata
This small herb is used as a 'dream plant'....
Plectranthus ciliatus
With its attractive white to light purple-pink flowers and ornamental foliage, this species is a pleasure for any moist subtropical garden, ideal for hanging...
Funaria hygrometrica
The attractive red-brown spore-bearing part of the plant (sporophyte), which consists of a long, twisting stalk (seta) with an asymmetrical, grooved capsule...