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Mimusops zeyheri
The Transvaal red milkwood has gained its popularity with people, birds as well as monkeys and baboons through its tasty fruit which are sweet and high...
Berchemia zeyheri
The Berchemia zeyheri tree is valuable to the people, animals and birds of South Africa....
Athrixia phylicoides
This is a stunning plant that has a great horticultural potential in cultivation. Its beautiful flowers and the soft texture of the leaves make it an asset...
Pelargonium transvaalense
This plant has grown in the Lowveld National Botanical Garden happily for many years in both sunny and shady positions....
Senecio tamoides
Anisodontea julii
Anisodontea julii, valued for its quick growth, is a tall, graceful shrub with velvety, maple-like leaves and wonderful displays of large pink flowers...
Schefflera umbellifera
This tree is an upright tree with a rounded crown suitable for a courtyard or gardens with limited space. It was selected as one of the South African Trees...
Berkheya purpurea
A prickly thistle, Berkheya purpurea turns into a surprisingly beautiful perennial when flowering in midsummer....
Toddalia asiatica
Did you know that we have an indigenous orange in South Africa? This plant,Toddalia asiatica, is a woody vine (a liana) and bears fruit which, although...
Cussonia spicata
The cabbage-tree is a strikingly beautiful garden tree which is widely cultivated both locally and abroad for its striking evergreen foliage. Its unusual...
Polygala virgata
This charming slender shrub, bearing spikes of bright purple magenta winged flowers is an eye-catcher in any garden. Polygala virgata is one of the beautiful...
Galpinia transvaalica
This tree is part of a small family of herbs, small trees and shrubs found in subtropical and tropical regions. Its attractive flowerheads and coloured...
Harpephyllum caffrum
This is an attractive evergreen tree that is useful as an ornamental garden tree and for attracting birds and butterflies into the garden.It is popularly...
Tulbaghia violacea
This is a popular garden plant that is useful for difficult hot corners of the garden as it will tolerate prolonged drought, although it flourishes with...
Ammocharis longifolia
The name Malgas lily is taken from the abundance of this bulb in the Malgas area near the Breede River in the Cape. It is one of South Africa's showiest...
Brunsvigia josephinae
This plant has by far the biggest bulb and inflorescence among the geophytes in South Africa. Its large striking umbels are easily visible in the veld...
Curtisia dentata
Curtisia dentata is a handsome, evergreen tree with beautiful foliage that looks good throughout the year. It has great potential as a garden tree, an...
Elaeodendron croceum
Elaeodendron croceum is an attractive, evergreen tree with a neat, upright shape which can with care be cultivated in gardens large and small....
Pappea capensis
The red fruit of this tree is a tasty treat for humans and a firm favourite with birds and animals. A fine oil is extracted from the seeds. The jacket...
Cyperus prolifer
Cyperus prolifer is an attractive, medium-sized member of the sedge family, suitable for waterside planting. Although much smaller, the plant bears a superficial...