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Cleome foliosa
Cleome foliosa is a charming annual for the water wise garden....
Hypericum revolutum
The leaves of the evergreen Hypericum revolutum release a curry-like smell when crushed and after rain. The fresh, green foliage and bright yellow...
Monopsis lutea
The riot of bright yellow flowers covering this trailing groundcover makes it an absolute must for colour in the garden in summer. The pretty flowers resemble...
Lobelia jasionoides
This charming, herbaceous, perennial groundcover with masses of tiny lilac and white flowers is suited to light shady places but will also grow in full...
Nephrotheca ilicifolia
This aromatic shrub is a good addition to a fynbos garden....
Tulbaghia simmleri
Tulbaghia simmleri is a desirable and rewarding garden plant, with decorative and sweetly fragrant flowers, and it is easy to grow....
Plectranthus ciliatus
With its attractive white to light purple-pink flowers and ornamental foliage, this species is a pleasure for any moist subtropical garden, ideal for hanging...
Chaenostoma pauciflora
This is an attractive, dainty-looking, trailing perennial groundcover with small, triangular, dark leaves and tiny white flowers....
Lachenalia fistulosa
A Cape hyacinth with flowers and scent to rival any European hyacinth....
Chlorophytum saundersiae
Chlorophytum saundersiae is a popular garden plant and is used extensively by landscape gardeners. It has a pleasing grass-like appearance making it a...
Hibiscus tiliaceus
Hibiscus tiliaceus is the only Hibiscus species which really becomes a small tree. It belongs to a family that is unmistakable when in flower, the cotton...
Hermas villosa
The creamy green flowers of this fynbos shrublet usually light up the veld from late summer to late autumn. However its allure doesn't stop there....
Metarungia longistrobus
Metarungia longistrobus is an unusual, attractive evergreen shrub for the shade garden, with long orange-brown flowers in candle-shaped inflorescences...
Englerophytum natalense
An attractive garden plant, a tree with edible fruit and white-to-cream flowers....
Anastrabe integerrima
With its clusters of custard-yellow pouch-shaped flowers combined with very attractive leaves that contrast their dark green tops with silvery white and...
Plecostachys serpyllifolia
An easy-to-grow, grey-leaved perennial that forms a mound as its slender stems tangle together most delightfully. Perfect for a mixed herbaceous border...
Aristea ecklonii
Aristea ecklonii is an indigenous, evergreen perennial with attractive, blue, star-like flowers that make quite a show in early summer and late spring....
Croton pseudopulchellus
A pale white/yellow-flowered, shrubby, perennial plant with a sweet smell that attracts many insects....
Aloe greenii
Aloe greenii is an excellent rockery plant and makes a good display pot plant in the shade. It has an impressive pink inflorescence that attracts sunbirds....
Helichrysum cymosum subsp. cymosum
Helichrysum cymosum subsp. cymosum is a very attractive and easy-to-grow groundcover with small silvery grey leaves, covered with masses of bright yellow...