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Selago villicaulis ‘Purple Turtle’
This is a low growing perennial with striking lavender flowers, which appear twice in a year, in midwinter to spring and in midsummer, and sporadically...
Barleria rigida var. rigida
Your first choice plant for the sunny dry areas in your garden....
Bauhinia petersiana subsp. macrantha
This low-growing, evergreen tree or scrambler, boasts with large, pleasantly scented white flowers in midsummer....
Gyrocarpus americanus subsp. africanus
An interesting tree with a smooth, grey to silvery white trunk, and ovoid fruit crowned with 2 wings, which look remarkably like the slender wings of a...
Pachycarpus campanulatus
Pachycarpus campanulatus is a showy plant with large, hanging, bell-shaped flowers of up to 5 per umbel and exuding milky latex, like most plants in the...
Brachystelma foetidum
A small, herbaceous perennial from the grasslands, with a large, flattened, underground, potato-like tuber, and unusual purple-brown and greenish yellow...
Dombeya tiliacea
A pretty shrub or small tree, with white flowers in late summer to autumn, suitable for sun or semi-shade....
Ceriops tagal
A compact branched tree or shrub with a distinctive root growth, fascinating growth habit and seeds, occurring in the tidal estuaries, lagoons and swamps,...
Asparagus densiflorus ‘Cwebe’
A handsome ornamental perennial whose graceful spreading fronds has broader needle-like leaflets than the other varieties of asparagus fern. New foliage...
Lachnospermum imbricatum
A beautiful shrub with pink or purple-centred, daisy-like flowers surrounded by a ring of white, papery bracts. Occurring in the extreme southwestern Cape,...
Erica lutea
A small fynbos shrublet which has masses of shiny white to yellow flowers in late summer and autumn....
Melinis repens
An attractive, yet hardy tufted grass, which requires little maintenance for a showy display in spring and summer....
Barleria lichtensteiniana
Barleria lichtensteiniana, the jewel of the Kalahari....
Setaria verticillata
Setaria verticillata is a species of grass known by the common name, bur bristlegrass. It is easily distinguished from other Setaria species by retrorsely...
Diosma aristata
Diosma aristata is without a doubt the most threatened species in this enigmatic genus of plants. Buchus are well known for their medicinal qualities,...
Coleus venteri
A relatively new species to horticulture, Coleus venteri is a unique, aromatic, sun-loving, water-wise shrub that is fast growing once established and...
Asparagus densiflorus ‘Meyersii’
Striking ornamental perennial with compactly clustered foliage on arched fronds resembling cat’s tails. Tiny, white, fragrant, star-like flowers...
Lobelia pubescens
This low-growing, bushy perennial, occurring near the coast, flowers from late spring to autumn. It will make a showy container plant, a lovely addition...
Trimeria grandifolia subsp. grandifolia
This is a fast-growing, small to medium-sized, single stemmed tree, with decorative foliage that truly resembles the forest raisin tree, as well as the...
Barleria wilmsiana
A beautiful garden plant but difficult to grow....