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Dissotis princeps
Dissotis princeps is an outstanding garden plant with magnificent flowers and decorative foliage. It is easy to grow, and is ideal for the water or vlei...
Dombeya autumnalis
This is another attractive shrub for the garden....
Dombeya burgessiae
The pink wild pear is a garden favourite used by many gardeners and landscapers for its profusion of pink to white flowers borne in dense clusters which...
Dombeya cymosa
Dombeya cymosa is an ornamental, deciduous, small tree that bears showy, drooping, white, sweet-scented flowers....
Dombeya kirkii
A fast growing and beautiful, ornamental wild pear with masses of white flowers in late summer and winter....
Dombeya pulchra
The silver white pear is a beautiful shrub or small tree ideal for the wooded or semi-shaded areas of your garden....
Dombeya tiliacea
A pretty shrub or small tree, with white flowers in late summer to autumn, suitable for sun or semi-shade....
Dovyalis caffra
Dovyalis caffra is a lovely evergreen fruit tree or shrub. It is one of the three Dovyalis species, together with D. zeyheri (wild...
Dracaena aletriformis
The large-leaved dragon tree is a wonderful, showy foliage plant with large strap-shaped leaves in rosettes at the tips of the branches, ideal for shady...
Drimia altissima
If you are looking for one of those mass flowering, tall bulbs, this is the one....
Drimia sphaerocephala
The phrase “simplicity is the ultimate sophistication” is well expressed by the plant Drimia sphaerocephala. A bulbous plant wearing a rounded,...
Drosera capensis
Glistening dewdrops adorn the strap-like leaves of the sundew, enticing insects to their deaths. ...
Duvernoia adhatodoides
Duvernoia adhatodoides is now Justicia adhatodoides ...
Dyschoriste rogersii
A small, evergreen shrub with a very long flowering season, best in semi-shade and with very few natural enemies....
Dyschoriste setigera
This is a delightful low-growing groundcover up to 150-300mm high that requires little or no maintenance and is particularly suitable for water-wise gardens...
Dyschoriste thunbergiiflora
A versatile, evergreen shrub for semi-shade, with attractive dark green foliage and eye-catching, large, blue-purple, trumpet-shaped flowers, occurring...
Elaeodendron croceum
Elaeodendron croceum is an attractive, evergreen tree with a neat, upright shape which can with care be cultivated in gardens large and small....
Elaeodendron transvaalense
Elaeodendron transvaalense is an attractive, small to medium tree that fits perfectly in a small garden. Those gardening for biodiversity will find this...
Elegia cuspidata
At last, a restio that you will not struggle to identify! Elegia cuspidata has distinctive features and is suited for planting in a Cape Peninsula...
Elegia fenestrata
This rare restio has a spreading habit, thick, dark green culms (stems) with large, attractive, chestnut-brown sheaths (reduced leaves) at intervals up...