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Tritoniopsis triticea
A bright red, spiky-looking flower growing among the fynbos in a dry rocky area, caught my eye as I was walking along the contour path above Kirstenbosch...
Trimeria grandifolia subsp. grandifolia
This is a fast-growing, small to medium-sized, single stemmed tree, with decorative foliage that truly resembles the forest raisin tree, as well as the...
Tridactyle bicaudata
Anyone who has had the pleasure of walking in the dry forests which occur along the eastern coast of Africa, will have noticed the sometimes large clumps...
Tricholaena monachne
Tricholaena monachne is an attractive grass with an open panicle inflorescence and green spikelets that are often flushed or almost entirely purple. It...
Trichodesma angustifolium
Dainty pale blue flowers that turn pink with age cover bushes of Trichodesma angustifolium subsp. angustifolium in springtime, especially after fire....
Trachyandra tabularis
An obligatory cliff-dweller, forming clusters of rosettes of firm, green, linear, succulent leaves that hang from the south-facing sandstone cliffs of...
Toddalia asiatica
Did you know that we have an indigenous orange in South Africa? This plant,Toddalia asiatica, is a woody vine (a liana) and bears fruit which, although...
Tinnea barbata
This superb little shrub is related to salvias. The delicate deep purple-blue flowers dangling from erect branches like little ornaments are this shrub's...
Thunbergia atriplicifolia
Thunbergia atriplicifolia is a softly hairy herbaceous shrublet with several stems that grow from a woody rootstock and beautiful creamy yellow flowers...
Thunbergia alata
In much of the warmer world, Thunbergia alata, or black-eyed susan, is well known as a fast-growing, long-flowering, friendly creeper. In South Africa...
Thorncroftia succulenta
Thorncroftia succulenta is a versatile and attractive semi-succulent shrub which makes an excellent and showy garden subject, well suited for hot...
Thespesia acutiloba
An attractive tree with handsome foliage, showy lemon-yellow flowers in summer and decorative red fruits. This tree is not well known among the general...
Themeda triandra
This is a lovely green to blue-green tufted grass that is often flushed with pink and turns red with age. Some forms have bright yellow culms (stems)....
Thamnochortus insignis
A stunning accent plant with its slender stems tipped with small, golden-brown inflorescences in late summer, and water-wise too!...
Terminalia phanerophlebia
A decorative shrub to small tree with a hard, heavy brown wood. It is an ideal tree for street planting....
Tavaresia barklyi
The neat appearance of the ribbed stems furnished with bristles at first reminds one of a cactus, but when the bizarre trumpet-shaped flowers appear, one...
Tarchonanthus littoralis
For a small evergreen tree that will thrive in windy, coastal conditions, through drought, and in nutrient-poor, sandy soil, look no further than Tarchonanthus...
Tarchonanthus camphoratus
This interesting small tree with its attractive grey foliage is particularly suited to tough conditions. It was a very variable and widespread species...
Tamarix usneoides
Tamarix usneoides is an evergreen shrubby tree of semideserts and karooid areas, with short scaly trunk, leafy branches usually extending from ground...
Tagetes minuta
Khaki bush planted around your house will provide you with a very good early-warning security system. The strong odor of the bush when crushed will immediately...