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Laportea grossa
Laportea grossa has decorative, glossy dark green foliage with conspicuous white spots - an excellent plant to brighten up a shady bed, but it needs careful...
Lasiospermum bipinnatum
Lasiospermum bipinnatum is a prolific and showy perennial daisy with beautiful white-rayed flowerheads and aromatic leaves. Although it has been recorded...
Ledebouria ensifolia
This is a fairly common species found mainly in the Eastern Cape Province; it is easily confused with several other species of Ledebouria, be sure to look...
Ledebouria lepida
A curious dwarf novelty Ledebouria from the Waterberg in the Limpopo Province that is rare in the wild and creates a colourful display of small purple...
Ledebouria petiolata
This wonderful, attractive, small but hardy bulb, previously known as Drimiopsis maculata, is tolerant of neglect and fairly easy to grow, has purple,...
Leonotis leonurus
This plant is a firm favourite in South African gardens for its colourful flower display coupled with its ability to attract nectar feeding sunbirds by...
Leonotis ocymifolia
Leonotis ocymifolia, the lesser known relative to the well-known Leonotis leonurus, is in many ways as worthy of recognition, not only for its usefulness,...
Lessertia frutescens
Lessertia frutescens is a much-respected and long-used medicinal plant that is also an attractive garden plant, and has been cultivated in gardens...
Leucadendron album
An unusual conebush, with its velvety silver foliage, Leucadendron album is a striking mountain fynbos shrub....
Leucadendron macowanii
This is a fast-growing shrub with narrow, dark green leaves, bright yellow flower heads in profusion on the male plants in winter, and dark red cones on...
Limeum aethiopicum
Limeum aethiopicum is a well-grazed veld plant, best suited to the arid areas because it is drought resistant....
Limonium peregrinum
Linzia glabra
Linzia glabra is a strong-growing, herbaceous perennial that flowers throughout the summer, producing masses of flowers that look like little mauve...
Liparia angustifolia
Liparia angustifolia is an elusive little fynbos shrub growing in the understorey of lowland fynbos vegetation. It is beautiful thanks to bright yellow...
Liparia hirsuta
With its silvery, hairy calyx and bright yellow flowers, Liparia hirsuta is an eye-catching plant....
Lippia javanica
For the avid herb gardener with an interest in medicinal plants Lippia javanica with its dense creamy white, flower heads and aromatic leaves...
Lobelia anceps
If you are looking for an attractive groundcover for a wet or boggy area, the swamp lobelia could be the perfect plant for you!...
Lobelia aquaemontis
Flowering with masses of sky-blue flowers, this delicate little lobelia gives a lovely display for many months in summer....
Lobelia jasionoides
This charming, herbaceous, perennial groundcover with masses of tiny lilac and white flowers is suited to light shady places but will also grow in full...
Lobelia pubescens
This low-growing, bushy perennial, occurring near the coast, flowers from late spring to autumn. It will make a showy container plant, a lovely addition...