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Apodytes dimidiata subsp.dimidiata
Apodytes dimidiata is the ideal tree for the home garden as it does not have messy fruits and is safe to plant near the house, not disturbing the...
Aptenia cordifolia
The glossy succulent leaves and bright magenta pink flowers are distinctive characteristics of Aptenia cordifolia. It is a well-known groundcover or creeping...
Aptosimum procumbens
An ideal water-wise ground-cover plant for dry gardens, Aptosimum procumbens is one of the treasures of the arid and semi-arid parts of South Africa....
Arctotis fastuosa
Arctotis fastuosa with large colourful flowers, is an easy-to-grow annual from the dry Namaqualand region....
Arctotis venusta
Arctotis venusta is one of the few indigenous annuals that are easy to grow and provide a reliable, colourful display in summer....
Argyrolobium lunare
At first glance it looks as if there are two similar kinds of plant growing together. This is because most of the flowers are bright yellow and others...
Aristea ecklonii
Aristea ecklonii is an indigenous, evergreen perennial with attractive, blue, star-like flowers that make quite a show in early summer and late spring....
Aristea torulosa
A lovely, vibrant species of Aristea with striking, star-like, blue flowers that appear prolifically in summer....
Asclepias albens
This is the most widespread species of Asclepias in South Africa....
Aspalathus linearis
Aspalathus linearis, the source of rooibos tea, is a shrub found in the western mountainous parts of the Western Cape. Rooibos tea is a most popular drink...
Asparagus aethiopicus
A very important species as it is related to Asparagus officinalis, which is cultivated as a vegetable crop worldwide. This is a species that adapts very...
Asparagus densiflorus
Asparagus densiflorus is an extremely versatile perennial, evergreen plant that can be used as a groundcover or container plant in full sun or light...
Asparagus densiflorus ‘Cwebe’
A handsome ornamental perennial whose graceful spreading fronds has broader needle-like leaflets than the other varieties of asparagus fern. New foliage...
Asparagus densiflorus ‘Meyersii’
Striking ornamental perennial with compactly clustered foliage on arched fronds resembling cat’s tails. Tiny, white, fragrant, star-like flowers...
Asparagus ramosissimus
Asparagus ramosissimus is an evergreen perennial with abundant soft, light green foliage and a cascading habit, suited to the shady garden or patio....
Asparagus rubicundus
An erect thorny shrub with glossy, reddish brown, thorny stems, soft feathery foliage and starry white flowers, and one of the fastest growing species...
Astroloba cremnophila
Astroloba cremnophila is a small, cluster-forming, leaf succulent from the cliffs along the Buffelsrivier. The plant has leafy, succulent stems, the leaves...
Asystasia varia
This lovely garden plant grows very well in shady gardens, as well as in containers (hanging baskets), which is probably the most innovative way to optimize...
Athanasia dentata
Green and golden is the best way to describe Athanasia dentata....
Athrixia phylicoides
This is a stunning plant that has a great horticultural potential in cultivation. Its beautiful flowers and the soft texture of the leaves make it an asset...