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Triumfetta sonderi
A beautiful shrub from the grasslands, with small, star-shaped, light yellow flowers and attractive rounded, pinkish-red, hairy fruits....
Trochomeria macrocarpa
The bright red, juicy fruits of this climber will attract birds to your garden....
Tulbaghia natalensis
One of South Africa’s endemic species, this attractive wild garlic is definitely a go to when looking for low maintenance plants....
Tulbaghia simmleri
Tulbaghia simmleri is a desirable and rewarding garden plant, with decorative and sweetly fragrant flowers, and it is easy to grow....
Tulbaghia violacea
This is a popular garden plant that is useful for difficult hot corners of the garden as it will tolerate prolonged drought, although it flourishes with...
Turnera oculata var. oculata
The Namib Turnera has striking yellow flowers with a conspicuous dark centre and occurs in Kaokoveld in the Namib Desert in northern Namibia and in southern...
Turraea obtusifolia
Turraea obtusifolia is an ornamental shrub with glossy dark green foliage, masses of showy white flowers in summer and decorative orange-red fruits in...
Tylecodon ectypus
A recently described, rare, dwarf, succulent geophyte from the Richtersveld, Northern Cape. Plants are solitary or in small clusters, with a sparingly...
Tylecodon ellaphieae
Tylecodon ellaphieae is one of 46 species in the genus Tylecodon, all endemic to the winter rainfall region of South Africa and Namibia....
Tylosema esculentum
Tylosema esculentum is a long-lived, underutilized, drought-tolerant, perennial legume that grows wild on the arid and semi-arid grasslands of southern...
Typha capensis
Typha capensis is synonymous with most large as well as small freshwater bodies. These perennial, leafy aquatic plants with their distinctive velvety-brown...
Urochloa mosambicensis
Urochloa mosambicensis is a perennial grass with an inflorescence made up of a number of spike-like racemes arranged alternately on a central axis. It...
Ursinia abrotanifolia
An extremely easy-to-grow and showy summer display bedding plant with charm and versatility underutilized by home gardeners....
Uvaria caffra
Vachellia hebeclada subsp. hebeclada
This beautiful shrub to small tree is the most common naturally occurring vachellia in the Free State National Botanical Garden. It may reach up to 7 m...
Vachellia karroo
Known for many years as Acacia karroo, this is one of South Africa's most beautiful and useful trees. It is integrally part of our country's history...
Vachellia kosiensis
This is a quick-growing, handsome tree that attracts many birds, bees and other insects and even bushbabies to the garden; it is also a useful barrier...
Vachellia nilotica subsp. kraussiana
If you were a game or stock farmer with browsers on your property, this lovely Vachellia species would be an asset to you. Please just remember the...
Vachellia sieberiana var. woodii
Pure stands of these beautifully shaped trees with their perfectly flattened crowns are quite stunning. Where else but in Africa would you encounter such...
Vachellia tortilis
A drought-resistant tree with the classic, umbrella-shaped canopy associated with thorn trees. Many bird species take advantage of the protection it offers...