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Ficus sur
The broom cluster fig is a key element in the environment providing medicine, food, shade and shelter for all nature of animals, large and small. This...
Ficus sansibarica
This knobbly fig presents an imposing display with its spreading crown and bears enormous fruiting spurs along the stem....
Ficus polita subsp. polita
Next time you attend one of Kirstenbosch’s summer sunset concerts, see if you can spot the Afrotropical Ficus polita subsp. polita, growing on the...
Ficus lutea
The giant-leaved fig is a magnificent member of the renowned fig family. Like so many of its close relatives, it offers much of ecological and ornamental...
Ficus ingens
The red-leaved fig is a semi-deciduous, shady tree or rock-splitter, and a beautiful specimen for a large rock garden, but because of its aggressive root-...
Ficus glumosa
An ideal tree for planting in water scarce areas; it will provide browsing and food to a number of animals, as well as a habitat for a large range of bird...
Ficus craterostoma
A wild fig from the well-watered forests of southeastern and tropical Africa, with glossy, dark green foliage and a grey trunk that is sculpted and shaped...
Ficus abutilifolia
The conspicuous white to yellow roots and stems of the large-leaved rock fig are an impressive sight, well adapted to hugging rock faces and splitting...
Felicia tenella subsp. tenella
This striking, winter- or spring-flowering annual with bright blue and yellow daisies, is another of South Africa’s plant jewels. It performs well...
Felicia josephinae
This charming, low-growing annual has only recently been named and described (Bothalia October 2002), although it was first collected in 1933 by C Louis...
Felicia heterophylla
The true blue daisy is one of the few felicias with entirely blue daisy flowers, in contrast to the others with yellow centres surrounded by blue/purple...
Felicia filifolia subsp. filifolia
When in flower Felicia filifolia is an eye-catching mass of mauve flowers with pretty yellow centres that will create a stunning splash of colour in your...
Felicia erigeroides
Felicia erigeroides has pretty, daisy-like flowers with yellow centres. The flowers cover the entire bush and bring colour to the garden. It is a good...
Felicia elongata
Felicia elongata is a striking perennial daisy, with large white or mauve flowers. What makes this Felicia so different from the other felicias, is the...
Felicia echinata
Felicia echinata is easy to recognize by its glossy leaves that are edged with small white teeth and curved to form a sharp tip. This prickly protection...
Felicia dubia
The blue and yellow dwarf felicia is one of the many annuals turning Namaqualand into such a kaleidoscope of colours during winter and spring....
Felicia amelloides
Felicia amelloides catches the eye wherever it is planted, with its striking sky-blue and sunny yellow flowerheads, held well above the leaves. Felicia...
Felicia aethiopica
This lovely plant with its bright blue flowers is a must in every garden as it flowers all year, keeping your garden bright and beautiful....
Faurea galpinii
The forest beechwood is a small, evergreen tree which can at times occur as a shrub. This species is confined to high-altitude mist-belt areas in mountainous...
Faucaria tigrina
This somewhat ferocious-looking succulent gets its name, tiger-jaws, from the appearance of the toothed, triangular shaped leaves which seem to drip with...