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Search results for "Amaryllidaceae" (displaying 20 of 76 on page 2)

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Cyrtanthus herrei

Cyrthanthus herrei
Common names: Richtersveld cyrtanthus
Family: Amaryllidaceae

23 / 07 / 2007 | Ian Oliver | Karoo Desert NBG
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Clivia robusta

Clivia robusta
Common names: swamp bush lily, swamp clivia
Family: Amaryllidaceae

02 / 07 / 2007 | John Winter | Kirstenbosch NBG
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Haemanthus deformis

Haemanthus deformis
Common names: none
Family: Amaryllidaceae

07 / 05 / 2007 | Graham Duncan | Kirstenbosch NBG
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Crinum campanulatum

Crinum campanulatum
Common names: water crinum, marsh lily (Eng.); vleilelie (Afr.)
Family: Amaryllidaceae

30 / 10 / 2006 | Werner Voigt | Kirstenbosch NBG
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Cyrtanthus macmasteri

C.macmasteri.  Image Cameron MacMaster
Family: Amaryllidaceae

09 / 10 / 2006 | Suvarna Parbhoo | Pretoria NBG
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Clivia nobilis

Clivia nobilis
Common names: Eastern Cape clivia, Eastern Cape bush lily (Eng.); boslelie (Afr.); umayime (isiXhosa & isiZulu)
Family: Amaryllidaceae

02 / 01 / 2006 | John Winter | Kirstenbosch NBG
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Boophone disticha

Boophone disticha
Common names: century plant, poison bulb, sore-eye flower (Eng.); gifbol, seeroogblom, kopseerblom, boesmangif, perdespook (Afr.); kxutsana-yanaha, motlatsisa (So.S
Family: Amaryllidaceae

22 / 08 / 2005 | E Lithudzha | Pretoria NBG
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Haemanthus pubescens on the West Coast, South Africa (Colin Paterson-Jones)
Common names: paintbrush, powderpuff (Eng.); poeierkwas, velskoenblaar (Afr.)
Family: Amaryllidaceae

... being known as the 'April-fool'. Compared with other Amaryllidaceae, Haemanthus has especially small flowers. ... slow growing. For instance,  H. nortieri  [see  Amaryllidaceae  ] can take almost 17 years to mature.  ...

15 / 08 / 2005 | D Snijman | Kirstenbosch NBG
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Brunsvigia radulosa

Brunsvigia radulosa
Common names: candelabra flower (Eng.); kandelaarblom, misryblom (Afr.); Lemathla (Southern Sotho)
Family: Amaryllidaceae

... radulosa is a very striking bulbous plant of the family Amaryllidaceae that grows and flowers spectacularly in ...

25 / 07 / 2005 | Clare Archer | Pretoria NBG
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Brunsvigia bosmaniae; Photo Colin Paterson-Jones
Common names: candelabra flower (Eng.); kandelaarblom, Maartblom (Afr.)
Family: Amaryllidaceae

... break open and scatter their seeds. [See picture in Amaryllidaceae ] Brunsvigia Brunsvigia , unlike its close ... of the bulbs are used for medicinal purposes. Like all Amaryllidaceae, however, brunsvigias are rich in alkaloids ...

18 / 04 / 2005 | D Snijman | Kirstenbosch NBG
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Clivia caulescens

Common names: stem clivia, stalked clivia
Family: Amaryllidaceae

27 / 12 / 2004 | John Winter | Kirstenbosch NBG
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Crinum moorei

Crinum moorei
Common names: Natal lily, Moore's crinum, Ngomi lily, Inanda lily (Eng.); boslelie, Natallelie, Ngomilelie, rivierlelie (Afr.); umnduze (Zulu)
Family: Amaryllidaceae

... world-wide tropical to temperate ornamental lily family, Amaryllidaceae. The family includes the European narcissi and ...

25 / 10 / 2004 | S Khanyile | KwaZulu-Natal NBG
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Crinum bulbispermum
Common names: river lily, veld lily (Eng.); rivierlelie, veldlelie (Afr.); umNduze (Zulu)
Family: Amaryllidaceae

... plants perform best in a permanent position and, like any Amaryllidaceae, do not react well to any disturbance of the ... a fascinating genus of the large and equally captivating Amaryllidaceae family . Larger in stature than most other species of Amaryllidaceae, most crinums are suitable as landscape plants ...

20 / 09 / 2004 | Robert Archer | National Herbarium Pretoria
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Cyrtanthus falcatus

Flower of Cyrtanthus falcatus
Family: Amaryllidaceae

13 / 09 / 2004 | Graham Duncan | Kirstenbosch NBG
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Ammocharis longifolia

Ammocharis longifolia
Common names: Malgas lily (Eng.); seeroogblom (Afr.)
Family: Amaryllidaceae

... or in the garden in suitable climates. The family name Amaryllidaceae is from the name Amaryllus, a pretty ...

16 / 08 / 2004 | Werner Voigt | Karoo Desert NBG
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Brunsvigia josephinae

Brunsvigia josephinae
Common names: candelabra lily (Eng.); kandelaarblom, lantanter (Afr.)
Family: Amaryllidaceae

... a systemic insecticide may be used. The family name Amaryllidaceae is from the name Amaryllus, a pretty ...

09 / 08 / 2004 | Werner Voigt | Karoo Desert NBG
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Fruit of G.grandiflora. Image:C.Paterson-Jones
Common names: kukumakranka (Eng.); koekoemakranka, bramakranka (Afr.)
Family: Amaryllidaceae

... elaborately fringed, as in G. verticillata . Unlike most Amaryllidaceae, the leaves of Gethyllis are often hairy. The ... only have 6 anthers per flower as is typical of most Amaryllidaceae. Although initially long and straight, the ... culinary properties. Gethyllis , a genus of the family Amaryllidaceae, has such unusual foliage, flowers and fruits ...

19 / 07 / 2004 | D Snijman | Compton Herbarium
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Nerine gibsonii

Nerine gibsonii
Common names: Gibson's nerine
Family: Amaryllidaceae

10 / 05 / 2004 | Graham Duncan | Kirstenbosch NBG
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Amaryllis belladonna: Photo C Paterson-Jones
Common names: amaryllis or daffodil family
Family: Amaryllidaceae

... Images : Colin Paterson-Jones May 2004     All Amaryllidaceae are perennials and apart from Clivia, ... are also attractively spotted with dark green or red. Amaryllidaceae usually have numerous flowers held in an ... whereas Australia is poor in having only three genera.  Amaryllidaceae belong to Class: Angiospermae: Monocotyledonae ...

10 / 05 / 2004 | D Snijman | Compton Herbarium
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Nerine humilis

Nerine humilis
Common names: dwarf nerine (Eng.); seeroogblom, berglelie (Afr.)
Family: Amaryllidaceae

... this horticulturally important genus. The family name Amaryllidaceae is from Amaryllus who was a pretty shepherdess ...

26 / 04 / 2004 | Werner Voigt | Karoo Desert NBG
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