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Calodendrum capense

Calodendrum capense
Common names: Cape chestnut, wild chestnut (Eng.); wildekastaiing, Kaapsekastaiing (Afr.); umbaba, umsitshana (Xhosa); umbhaba, umemezi omhlophe (Zulu), molalakgwed
Family: Rutaceae

... pigeons, cinnamon doves and Cape parrots eat the seeds.  Calodendrum Calodendrum capense is a very ornamental tree, suitable for ... bitterly cold areas, it is likely not to flower very well. Calodendrum capense is propagated by seed or cuttings. Seed ...

17 / 12 / 2001 | Alice Notten | Kirstenbosch NBG
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