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Search results for "Celastraceae" (displaying 17 of 17 on page 1)
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Putterlickia pyracantha
Pterocelastrus tricuspidatus
... Sow seeds in autumn. There are 60 -70 genera in the whole Celastraceae family, with about a thousand species in total. ...
Pterocelastrus rostratus
Mystroxylon aethiopicum
... in Africa. Mystroxylon aethiopicum belongs to the Celastraceae family, commonly known as the spike-thorn ...
Maytenus procumbens
Maytenus oleoides
... the region. Maytenus belongs in the spike-thorn family, Celastraceae, a large, cosmopolitan and diverse family of ... temperate regions of the world. In southern Africa the Celastraceae is represented by 19 genera and ± 80 species. ...
Maytenus acuminata var. acuminata 'Silky Showers'
Maurocenia frangula
... with brittle wood. Maurocenia is a monotypic genus in the Celastraceae family. It was incorrectly published as ...
Lydenburgia cassinoides
... the tree can be propagated like other members of the Celastraceae family, which grow easily from seed. Sow ripe ... transplanting seedlings into trays or bags. Members of the Celastraceae family are slow growing. The genus Lydenburgia ...
Lydenburgia abbottii
... cultivation it should be treated like other members of the Celastraceae, such as Cassine . It can be propagated from ... near Port Edward. Lydenburgia abbottii belongs to the Celastraceae, commonly known as the spike thorn family, which ...
Gymnosporia senegalensis
Gymnosporia harveyana
... and 108 in the world; the genus belongs to the family Celastraceae. Gymnosporia is an Old World genus of trees, ...
Gymnosporia buxifolia
Elaeodendron transvaalense
... all times. Elaeodendron traanvalense is a member of the Celastraceae family which is large, rather diverse and is ...
Elaeodendron croceum
... yellow pigments that the species shares with other Celastraceae such as Cassine peragua and Pterocelastrus ... fallen tree, the young seedlings can take its place. The Celastraceae is a large and rather diverse family distributed ... yellow pigment in the bark of many species of the family Celastraceae, including Elaeodendron croceum . Ecklon & ...
Catha edulis
... a habit-forming stimulant. C. edulis belongs to the Celastraceae family, commonly known as the spike thorn ...
Cassine peragua
... effective in stimulating the cuttings to produce roots. Celastraceae consists of 60-70 genera and ± 1 000 species ...