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Search results for "Cyperaceae" (displaying 8 of 8 on page 1)

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Isolepsis antartica. Photo: C Stirton
Common names: Sedges (Eng); madzhesi (Tshivenda)
Family: Cyperaceae

... around water features. The use of the genus name Isolepis (Cyperaceae) was confined to the nineteenth century. Robert ... over the taxonomic position of Isolepis in the Cyperaceae. The genus has usually been placed with Scirpus in ...

15 / 09 / 2014 | Aluwani Tshiila | KwaZulu-Natal Herbarium
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Trianoptiles solitaria leaves.  Photo Dr M. Muasya
Common names: sedges (Eng.); biesies (Afr.)
Family: Cyperaceae

... are green, grass-like and arise in bunches. As in all Cyperaceae, the leaves have a closed sheath around the stem ... seaweed just one year prior to his description of it as a Cyperaceae, and for this reason Fenzl’s new name, ...

07 / 07 / 2008 | Caitlin Von Witt | CREW
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Ficinia bergiana
Common names: sedges (Eng.); biesies (Afr.); Ficinia radiata : star grass (Eng.) stergras (Afr.)
Family: Cyperaceae

... of the Cape Flora i.e. fynbos, and is the largest genus of Cyperaceae that can be found outside tropical South Africa. ... he had no connection with the Cape flora or with the Cyperaceae, so it is doubtful why the genus was named after ...

21 / 05 / 2007 | Caitlin Von Witt | CREW
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Bolboschoenus maritimus

Bolboschoenus maritimus
Common names: alkali bullrush (Eng.); snygras, snyruigte (Afr.)
Family: Cyperaceae

... larger pots. Bolboschoenus maritimus is a member of the Cyperaceae or sedge family. These are usually grass-like ...

06 / 03 / 2006 | Victoria Wilman | Working For Wetlands
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Cyperus papyrus
Common names: sedges (Eng.); biesies (Afr.)
Family: Cyperaceae

... is controversy at higher levels too, so that sometimes Cyperaceae are included in the order Poales and sometimes in ... have been demonstrated reasonably well are those between Cyperaceae and Juncaceae (rushes), and Poaceae and ... A large, cosmopolitan family of mostly herbaceous plants, Cyperaceae occur primarily in moist temperate to wet tropical ...

01 / 08 / 2005 | Clare Archer | National Herbarium Pretoria
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Cyperus prolifer

Inflorescence of C .prolifer
Common names: miniature papyrus
Family: Cyperaceae

31 / 05 / 2004 | Clare Archer | Pretoria NBG
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Cyperus papyrus

Young culms of Cyperus papyrus
Common names: papyrus (Eng.); papirus (Afr.); the bulrush of the Bible
Family: Cyperaceae

... of the plant for paper-making in Ancient Egypt. The family Cyperaceae (or sedge family), to which Cyperus papyrus ...

24 / 05 / 2004 | Clare Archer | Pretoria NBG
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Cyperus textilis

Baskets made of Cyperus textilis
Common names: mat sedge, umbrella sedge, basket grass, rushes, emezi grass (Eng.); matjiesgoed, kooigoed, (Afr.); imisi (Xhosa)
Family: Cyperaceae

26 / 05 / 2003 | Christien Malan | Kirstenbosch NBG
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