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Search results for "Lampranthus" (displaying 9 of 9 on page 1)

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Lampranthus tenuifolius

Common names: None
Family: Aizoaceae

... in late spring, i.e. October-November which, like most Lampranthus species, open during the day and close at night. ... to winter-rainfall areas with well-drained sandy soils. Lampranthus tenuifolius is insect-pollinated, and its ... coloured flowers help attract insects. Like most other Lampranthus species the flowers open during the day and close ...

25 / 03 / 2013 | James Deacon | Kirstenbosch NBG
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Lampranthus tegens

Lampranthus tegens
Common names: mat-lampranthus (Eng.); matvygie (Afr.)
Family: Aizoaceae

... pink. Flowering time is late spring (October to November). Lampranthus tegens is endemic to the winter-rainfall region ... occurs, it is very light and occurs over short periods. Lampranthus tegens has been recorded mainly from Swartland ... most, growing more branches and producing more flowers. Lampranthus Lampranthus tegens is a dainty plant which grows ...

18 / 06 / 2018 | Ernst van Jaarsveld | Kirstenbosch NBG
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Lampranthus roseus

Lampranthus roseus
Common names: rose vygie, roosvygie
Family: Aizoaceae

... Each individual flower is approx 40 mm in diameter. Lampranthus roseus occurs in dry fynbos in the Western Cape. ... hybrids. The flowers are pollinated by bees and beetles. Lampranthus This is a frequently cultivated and a rewarding ... with Ridomil from midwinter to just before flowering. Lampranthus means 'bright flower' from the Greek lampros ...

30 / 10 / 2000 | Ernst van Jaarsveld | Kirstenbosch NBG
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Lampranthus hoerleinianus

Lampranthus hoerleinianus flowers
Common names: purple vygie
Family: Aizoaceae

... Oliver Karoo Desert National Botanical Garden July 2009   Lampranthus hoerleinianus  is an erect, shallow-rooted ... contain a number of brown to black seeds 1-2 mm long.  Lampranthus hoerleinianus grows in the winter rainfall region ... Namibia. It occurs in rocky and semi rocky habitats. Lampranthus hoerleinianus flowers from August to September in ...

06 / 07 / 2009 | Ian Oliver | Karoo Desert NBG
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Lampranthus haworthii

Common names: purple vygie, ice plant, mesemb
Family: Aizoaceae

Karoo Desert NBG Ian Oliver Karoo Desert NBG August 2003   Lampranthus haworthii is a tall, compact, erect subshrub that ... mauve. Flowering time is from mid-July to mid-September. Lampranthus haworthii  occurs in the Little Karoo and ... They are primarily winter rainfall plants. The genus  Lampranthus  occurs mainly in the Western Cape, Northern ...

18 / 08 / 2003 | Ian Oliver | Karoo Desert NBG
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Lampranthus bicolor

Bright yellow Lampranthus bicolor flowers
Common names: Bicoloured lampranthus (Eng.); bont vygie (Afr.)
Family: Aizoaceae

... Tyambetyu Millennium Seed Bank Project February 2011 Lampranthus bicolor is an erect, stiffly branched shrub. It ... pear-shaped. Flowering time is from October-January.    Lampranthus bicolor occurs from the Cape Peninsula to ... there is enough moisture available for seed germination. Lampranthus Sow seeds in autumn, in trays filled with a ...

07 / 02 / 2011 | Olivia Tyambetyu | Millennium Seed Bank Partnership
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Lampranthus aureus

Lampranthus aureus
Common names: golden vygie (Eng.), gouevygie (Afr.)
Family: Aizoaceae

... NBG Werner Voigt Karoo Desert NBG July 2003 This vygie, Lampranthus aureus , is a neatly rounded, erect, small shrub ... are little compartments in which the seeds are borne). Lampranthus aureus occurs in a broad band along the southwest ... a preference for sandy, loamy soils and granite outcrops. Lampranthus aureus  plants are pollinated by insects in the ...

21 / 07 / 2003 | Werner Voigt | Karoo Desert NBG
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Lampranthus amoenus

Dazzling display of flowers
Common names: Darling lampranthus, Darling vygie
Family: Aizoaceae

... compartments, each holding many, tiny, dark brown seeds. Lampranthus amoenus is a fast-growing shrub, forming a ... plant flowering nearby in order to produce viable seed. Lampranthus This is an exceptionally easy plant to cultivate, ... can be pruned back to reinvigorate them. The aptly named Lampranthus is derived from the Greek words lampros meaning ...

16 / 03 / 2015 | Adam Harrower | Kirstenbosch NBG
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Lampranthus affinis

Lampranthus affinis
Common names: cliff lampranthus (Eng.), kransvygie (Afr.)
Family: Aizoaceae

... wind dispersed. The plants have a life span of 4-8 years. Lampranthus affinis is confined to the shady, narrow kloofs ... sandstone of the Peninsula Formation (Cape Supergroup). Lampranthus Lampranthus affinis is easy to grow and flowers profusely in ...

03 / 03 / 2003 | Ernst van Jaarsveld | Kirstenbosch NBG
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