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Search results for "Muraltia" (displaying 3 of 3 on page 1)

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Muraltia spinosa

Muraltia spinosa
Common names: tortoise berry (Eng.); skilpadbessie, duinebessie, bokbessie (Afr.); mmaba (Tswana); cargoe (Nama)
Family: Polygalaceae

... Karoo and Savanna. Best suited to a coastal situation, Muraltia spinosa  will tolerate frost, average to little ... name) and birds, both of which help to disperse the seed. Muraltia spinosa can be planted to help stabilize sand along the coast. Muraltia This plant grows very well in rockeries, on slopes, ...

05 / 09 / 2005 | Cherise Viljoen | Kirstenbosch NBG
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Muraltia scoparia

Muraltia scoparia
Common names: tortoise berry, dune berry (Eng.); skilpadbessie, duinebessie (Afr.)
Family: Polygalaceae

... November 2005 updated November 2017 The growth form of Muraltia scoparia varies from willowy, erect shrubs to small ... to the stage of seed development in fertilized flowers. Muraltia The best use of the plant in the garden would be in ... and Manning (2006) shows that Nylandtia belongs within Muraltia , where it currently resides. The genus Muraltia is ...

07 / 11 / 2005 | Christien Bredenkamp | Pretoria NBG
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Muraltia heisteria

Growing near Hout Bay, Cape peninsula.
Common names: spiky purple gorse (Eng.); kastybos, persblommetjie (Afr.)
Family: Polygalaceae

... Notten Kirstenbosch National Botanical Garden January 2007 Muraltia heisteria is a loosely upright, rigid, prickly shrub ... slender, horn-like outgrowths, and contains two seeds. Muraltia heisteria is widespread in the western part of the ... is extremely variable and contains a number of forms. Muraltia heisteria is naturally self-pollinated. Levyns ...

15 / 01 / 2007 | Marga Den Hartigh | Kirstenbosch NBG
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