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Platylophus trifoliatus
Common names: white-alder, white-els (Eng.); witels, witelsboom, witte-els, witte-elsboom, witte-elshout (Afr.)
Synonyms: Weinmannia trifoliata L.f.; Trimerisma tr
Family: Cunoniaceae
... found growing on the old tree trunks of the white-alder. Platylophus In Eve Palmer and Norah Pitman’s first volume ... contributed the following information on the growing of Platylophus trifoliatus : ‘I have not had experience of ... even if the tree comes from the Western Cape.’ The name Platylophus derives from platys , the Greek word meaning ...
17 / 04 / 2017 | Jane Forrester | Harold Porter NBG
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