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Raphionacme hirsuta

Raphionacme hirsuta
Common names: false gentian, khadi-root (Eng.); khadiwortel, khadi (Afr.); kherenchane (SSo.); intsema (Xho.); umathangane, umathanjana (Zul.)
Family: Apocynaceae

... 3 mm, with a tuft of silky white, 10–15 mm long hairs. Raphionacme hirsuta is usually found on rocky and hilly areas ... that vary from relatively wet to dry subtropical areas. Raphionacme It is not so difficult to grow and propagate ... within 3–4 weeks (one month). The derivation of the name Raphionacme is unclear. It is possibly derived from the Greek ...

08 / 01 / 2018 | Stemmer Ngalo | Free State NBG
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