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Search results for "Restionaceae" (displaying 20 of 40 on page 1)

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Restio virgeus

Restio virgeus
Common names: twiggy peg-reed
Family: Restionaceae

... Africa. This genus has given its name to the family of Restionaceae. The species name virgeus is Latin and means ... referring to the many slender culms (stems). The family Restionaceae has approximately 40 genera and 400 species, ...

11 / 04 / 2022 | Mashudu Nndanduleni | Kirstenbosch NBG
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Elegia spathacea

Elegia spathacea
Common names: pagoda goldreed (Eng.)
Family: Restionaceae

... which are very prominent. Restios belong to the family Restionaceae. The name was obtained from the Latin restis , ... and alludes to the use of these plants in southern Africa. Restionaceae has 400 species in about 40 genera and most of ...

19 / 04 / 2021 | Mashudu Nndanduleni | Kirstenbosch NBG
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Staberoha cernua

Staberoha cernua, female plant. (Photo Felix Riegel)
Common names: droopy tasselreed
Family: Restionaceae

... and that is also where the common name is derived.  Restionaceae has 400 species in about 40 genera and most of ...

03 / 08 / 2020 | Mashudu Nndanduleni | Kirstenbosch NBG
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Thamnochortus acuminatus

Thamnochortus acuminatus
Common names: goldhead thatchreed (Eng.)
Family: Restionaceae

... tapering from inwardly curved sides, to a narrow point.  Restionaceae is the family name of restios. The name is ... and alludes to the use of these plants in southern Africa. Restionaceae has 400 species in about 40 genera and most of ...

29 / 06 / 2020 | Mashudu Nndanduleni | Kirstenbosch NBG
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Elegia fenestrata

Elegia fenestrata
Common names: stream golden-reed
Family: Restionaceae

... have formed a good root ball in their pots /plant bags. Restionaceae is the family name of the restios, and contains ...

04 / 05 / 2020 | Cherise Viljoen | Kirstenbosch NBG
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Elegia persistens

Elegia persistens
Common names: handsome goldreed
Family: Restionaceae

... the germination rate of this and many other species of Restionaceae. The seeds are sown in the early winter season ... fed with standard organic fertilizers. The family name, Restionaceae, is derived from the Latin restis , which means ...

24 / 02 / 2020 | Thembakazi Dyariwe | Kirstenbosch NBG
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Restio similis

Restio similis
Common names: slender blobs (Eng.)
Family: Restionaceae

... up the area. Restio is the type genus of the family of Restionaceae. The name restio is derived from the Latin ... This could be because of its similarity to Restio bolusii. Restionaceae has approximately 400 species, 40 genera and ...

10 / 02 / 2020 | Mashudu Nndanduleni | Kirstenbosch NBG
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Hypodiscus aristatus

Hypodiscus aristatus
Common names: bristly pineapple reed, hedgehogs, needle reed (Eng.); naaldriet (Afr.)
Family: Restionaceae

... of resprouting after a fire. Hypodiscus Propagation of Restionaceae is done by seed. Seeds are sown in late autumn ... in the genus. Hypodiscus was described as a group in the Restionaceae in 1836 and the entire genus is endemic to the ... which give this species its bristly inflorescences. The Restionaceae is a ‘southern’ plant family as it is found ...

16 / 12 / 2019 | Karen Wall | Harold Porter NBG
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Willdenowia incurvata

Willdenowia incurvata
Common names: sonkwas restio (Eng.); sonkwasriet (Afr.)
Family: Restionaceae

... Willdenowia is one of the genera in the family of Restionaceae. The genus is endemic in the fynbos region of ... in southern Africa and 2 occur in Namaqualand. The name Restionaceae is derived from the Latin word restis , which ... and alludes to the use of these plants in southern Africa. Restionaceae is the family name of the restios (Cape reeds). ...

01 / 07 / 2019 | Mashudu Nndanduleni | Kirstenbosch NBG
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Elegia filacea

Elegia filacea
Common names: little golden curls
Family: Restionaceae

... ‘a thread’, maybe referring to the slender culms. Restionaceae is the family name of the restios. The name is ... and alludes to the use of these plants in southern Africa. Restionaceae has 400 species in about 40 genera and most of ...

03 / 06 / 2019 | Mashudu Nndanduleni | Kirstenbosch NBG
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Askidiosperma andreaeanum

Askidiosperma andreaeanum
Common names: paper-sheath restio
Family: Restionaceae

... to assist Dr Marloth, and collected plants, including Restionaceae, mainly in the arid inland mountains. Restionaceae is the family name of restios. The name is ... and alludes to the use of these plants in southern Africa. Restionaceae has 400 species in about 40 genera and most  of ...

31 / 12 / 2018 | Mashudu Nndanduleni | Kirstenbosch NBG
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Cannomois grandis

Cannomois grandis, female plant
Common names: giant river-reed, large bell reed, grand Cape-reed, rekoala, pokers (Eng.); bergbamboes, besemriet, besemgoed, olifantsriet, perdehoef, assegaai (Afr.
Family: Restionaceae

... belongs to the large southern hemisphere restio family, Restionaceae, which constitutes more than 400 species of ...

17 / 10 / 2016 | Anthony Hitchcock | Kirstenbosch NBG
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Willdenowia teres

Willdenowia teres
Common names: None recorded.
Family: Restionaceae

... is a small genus of flowering plants in the family Restionaceae, endemic to the fynbos  regions of South ...

22 / 07 / 2015 | Sisanda Alakhe Velembo-Mhlauli | Kirstenbosch NBG
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Thamnochortus spicigerus

Thamnochortus spicigerus
Common names: large thatching reed (Engl.); duineriet, olifantsriet, dekriet (Afr.)
Family: Restionaceae

... adapted to be pollinated by wind, like most members of the Restionaceae. The male inflorescences sway in the wind, ... watered, or if there is little or no air movement. The Restionaceae family contains about 28 genera and 400 species. Members of the Restionaceae family are largely confined to the southern ...

20 / 04 / 2015 | Phumza Bavuma | Kirstenbosch NBG
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Elegia aggregata

Elegia aggregata
Common names: Hermanus riet (Afr.)
Family: Restionaceae

... are very short and culms are unbranched and round. The Restionaceae family typically have leaves in sheaths along ... aggregata is one of the fastest growing plants in the Restionaceae. The natural distribution of Elegia aggregata is ... are good subject to be planted with this plant. The family Restionaceae, commonly known as restios, is found on all ...

06 / 01 / 2014 | Zitobile Sikova | Kirstenbosch NBG
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Rhodocoma fruticosa

Rhodocoma fruticosa
Common names: kanet (Afr.)
Family: Restionaceae

... on sowing and use until pricking out. The family name, Restionaceae, refers to the Latin restis , which means cord or rope. Restionaceae are found in the southern hemisphere with ± 357 ...

08 / 07 / 2013 | Louise Nurrish | Kirstenbosch NBG
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Elegia grandispicata

Male in flower
Common names: none known
Family: Restionaceae

... germination and use until pricking out. The family name, Restionaceae, is derived from the Latin restis , which means cord or rope and refers to their former use. Restionaceae are found in the southern hemisphere, with ± ...

24 / 06 / 2013 | Louise Nurrish | Kirstenbosch NBG
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Elegia cuspidata

Elegia cuspidata
Common names: blombiesie (Afr.)
Family: Restionaceae

... the garden but do tend to become untidy with age. African Restionaceae contains 8 genera made up of ± 350 species. ...

27 / 06 / 2011 | Louise Nurrish | Kirstenbosch NBG
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Elegia nuda

E. nuda mixed male and female plants
Common names: none known
Family: Restionaceae

... This may refer to the flowers not being covered by bracts. Restionaceae is one of the main components of fynbos vegetation. There are over 350 species within Restionaceae with Elegia alone containing more than 50 ...

19 / 04 / 2010 | Louise Nurrish | Kirstenbosch NBG
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Platycaulos callistachyus

Platycaulos callistachyus female flowers
Common names: none
Family: Restionaceae

... callistachyus is the largest. There are ± 480 species of Restionaceae worldwide with 330 species occurring in Africa. The family name, Restionaceae, refers to the Latin restis, which means cord or ...

08 / 06 / 2009 | Louise Nurrish | Kirstenbosch NBG
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