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Search results for "Salicaceae" (displaying 10 of 10 on page 1)

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Homalium dentatum

Homalium dentatum
Common names: brown-ironwood (Eng.); bruinysterhout, basterwitstinkhout (Afr.); idlebelendlovu, umkhakhasi (isiZulu); igqabile, uphantsi-komnga, umgqamkuhulu, inkom
Family: Salicaceae

... species of the Homalium genus. The genus belongs to the Salicaceae family which is represented by 9 genera in ...

08 / 11 / 2021 | Mpho Mathalauga | KwaZulu-Natal NBG
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Dovyalis longispina

Dovyalis longispina
Common names: Coast Kei-apple (Eng), Kuskei-appel, Natalappelkoos (Afr.), umNyusa (isiZulu), imQokolo (isiXhoza)
Family: Salicaceae

... credited. A shrub or small to medium sized tree from the Salicaceae family that can grow to as tall as 15 m. It is a ...

21 / 06 / 2021 | Mpho Mathalauga | KwaZulu-Natal NBG
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Trimeria grandifolia subsp. grandifolia

Trimeria grandifolia subsp. grandifolia, new growth.
Common names: wild-mulberry, big ears, big-leaf trimeria (Eng.); grootblaarwildemoerbei, grootblaarysterhout, wildemoerbei, lindeboom (Afr.); idlebe-lendlovu, igqab
Family: Salicaceae

09 / 04 / 2018 | Sisanda Alakhe Velembo-Mhlauli | Kirstenbosch NBG
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Dovyalis rhamnoides

Dovyalis rhamnoides showing spines and male flowers
Common names: common sourberry (Eng.); gewone suurbessie (Afr.); ukhamgwindi (Zulu); umqaqoba (Xhosa)
Family: Salicaceae

08 / 10 / 2012 | C Mudau | Walter Sisulu NBG
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Pseudoscolopia polyantha

Pseudoscolopia polyantha.  Image A E van Wyk
Common names: false red pear ( Eng. ); valsrooipeer (Afr
Family: Salicaceae

14 / 07 / 2008 | Suvarna Parbhoo | CREW
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Scolopia mundii

Fruits and leaves of Scolopia mundi
Common names: red pear, mountain saffron (Eng.); rooipeer, doringpeer, bergsaffraan, klipdoring (Afr.); uLoyiphela, umdwendwelencuba, iHlambahlale, inGqumuza, iDung
Family: Salicaceae

... collector who arrived in the Cape in 1815. The family Salicaceae is represented by 9 genera in southern Africa; ...

22 / 08 / 2005 | Jan-Hakon Burring | Kirstenbosch NBG
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Oncoba spinosa

Oncoba spinosa (Geoff Nichols)
Common names: snuff-box tree (Eng.); snuifkalbassie (Afr.)
Family: Salicaceae

29 / 11 / 2004 | K Behr | Pretoria NBG
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Dovyalis caffra

Dovyalis caffra. Photo Geoff Nichols
Common names: Kei-apple (Eng.); Kei-appel (Afr.); motlhono (North Sotho); umqokolo (Zulu); amaqokolo (Ndebele); mukokolo (Shona)
Family: Salicaceae

12 / 05 / 2003 | Avhurengwi Phillemon Ndou | Walter Sisulu NBG
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Dovyalis zeyheri

Cythna Letty illustration in Flowering Plants of Africa.
Common names: wild apricot (E), wilde-appelkoos (A), umNyazuma (Z), umQokokolo (X), morethema (NS)
Family: Salicaceae

22 / 04 / 2002 | Alice Aubrey | Walter Sisulu NBG
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Salix mucronata

Salix mucronata
Common names: Safsaf Willow, Cape Willow, (E) Safsaf-wilger, Kaapse Wilger, Wildewilgerboom (A), Munengeledzi (V), Mogokare (NS), Umngcunube (X), Umnyezane, Umzekan
Family: Salicaceae

01 / 01 / 2001 | Y Reynolds | Walter Sisulu NBG
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