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Search results for "Sporobolus" (displaying 1 of 1 on page 1)

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Sporobolus africanus

Sporobolus africanus
Common names: rat’s tail dropseed, rat’s tail grass, rush grass, tough dropseed (Eng.); fynsaadgras, saadgras, taaipol, vleigras, rotstert, taaipolfynsaadgras (
Family: Poaceae

... Images not taken by the authors as follows: Sporobolus africanus growing in Hawkes Bay, New Zealand by Colin Meurk, posted on Sporobolus africanus inflorescence and plant in flower, by Chris Whitehouse, posted on Sporobolus africanus is a fast-growing, tufted, rhizomatous ...

24 / 06 / 2019 | Aluoneswi Caroline Mashau | National Herbarium Pretoria
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