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Search results for "Zantedeschia" (displaying 3 of 3 on page 1)

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Zantedeschia odorata

Zantedeschia odorata in flower
Common names: scented arum (Eng.); soetvarkblom (Afr.)
Family: Araceae

... several round, hard, light brown seeds. The spathe of Zantedeschia odorata looks very similar to that of Z. ... aethiopica is widespread throughout most of South Africa. Zantedeschia odorata is endemic to a small area of the ... to dolerite outcrops where Z. odorata occurs. The genus Zantedeschia has eight species ( Z. aethiopica, Z. ...

01 / 12 / 2014 | Graham Duncan | Kirstenbosch NBG
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Zantedeschia cut flowers
Common names: arum lilies, calla lilies, pig lily (Eng.); varkblom (Afr.)
Family: Araceae

... Herbarium November 2012     Plants of the genus Zantedeschia are deciduous perennials (may be evergreen) up ... spathe. Seeds with mucus, round or oval, cream or brown. Zantedeschia  is a genus of eight species, seven species ... in Mpumalanga where four species occur. Plants of  Zantedeschia  grow in the grassland, savanna and fynbos ...

19 / 11 / 2012 | Yashica Singh | KwaZulu-Natal Herbarium
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Zantedeschia aethiopica

Zantedeschia aethiopica
Common names: White or common arum lily (English); wit varkoor (Afrikaans); intebe (Xhosa) ihlukwe (Zulu)

... Reynolds November 2001 Although called the arum lily,  Zantedeschia aethiopica  is neither an arum (the genus  ... is also an attractive form with leaves spotted white. Zantedeschia aethiopica  grows from 0.6-1 m but may get ... are very versatile in the garden as a result. The genus  Zantedeschia is restricted to the African continent with ...

05 / 11 / 2001 | Alice Aubrey | Walter Sisulu NBG
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