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Search results for "Anacardiaceae" (displaying 20 of 31 on page 1)

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Searsia tomentosa

Searsia tomentosa, male flowers.
Common names: bicoloured currant, furry currant, wild currant, current crowberry (Eng), korentebos, korentetaaibos (Afr.) umhlakothi, inhlokoshiyane (isiZulu).
Family: Anacardiaceae

... Botany at Yale University. It belongs to the family called Anacardiaceae (Mango family). The genus Searsia has 120 ...

02 / 10 / 2023 | Luyanda Bhengu | Free State NBG
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Ozoroa barbertonensis

Ozoroa barbertonensis in flower and with fruit
Common names: Barberton ozoroa
Family: Anacardiaceae

... fair amount of frost. Ozoroa barbertonensis belongs in the Anacardiaceae, commonly known as the mango or cashew family, ...

04 / 09 / 2023 | Sefularo Ramaboea | National Zoological Gardens
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Searsia incisa

Searsia incisa
Common names: rub-rub currant (Eng.); baardbessie (Afr.); unongqutu (isiXhosa)
Family: Anacardiaceae

22 / 02 / 2021 | Sibahle Gumede | Millennium Seed Bank Partnership
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Lannea edulis var. edulis

Lannea edulis var. edulis
Common names: grape lannea, wild grape (Eng.); wildedruif (Afr.); umgabunkhomo (isiZulu); mutsambatsi (siSwati); phepo (Setswana).
Family: Anacardiaceae

01 / 07 / 2019 | Fergy Nkadimeng | Millennium Seed Bank Partnership
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Lannea schweinfurthii var. stuhlmannii

Lannea schweinfurthii var. stuhlmannii (Geoff Nichols)
Common names: false-marula (Eng.); valsmaroela (Afr.); mmopu (NSo.); umganunkomo (Zul.)
Family: Anacardiaceae

... Franz Ernest Stuhlmann, acting Governor in Tanzania. The Anacardiaceae family, commonly known as the mango family, ...

18 / 12 / 2017 | Benjamin Festus | Kirstenbosch NBG
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Searsia burchellii

Searsia burchellii, in fruit
Common names: Karoo kunibush (Eng.); karookoeniebos (Afr.); mokhoamphiri, tshilabele (Sesotho); motshôtlhô (Tswana)
Family: Anacardiaceae

05 / 12 / 2016 | Stemmer Ngalo | Free State NBG
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Searsia natalensis

Searsia natalensis (Geoff Nicholls)
Common names: dune karee, Natal karee, northern dune currant, northern dune currant-rhus (Eng.); duinekaree, natalkaree, noordelike duinekaree (Afr.); umgwele, ingw
Family: Anacardiaceae

08 / 08 / 2016 | M.S. Mothogoane | National Herbarium Pretoria
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Searsia lucida

Searsia lucida (Brian KD)
Common names: glossy crowberry, glossy currant, glossy wild currant (Eng.); blinktaaibos, slaptaaibos (Afr.); intlokolotshane-ebomvu, umchane, amapozi (isiXhosa); i
Family: Anacardiaceae

... lancea , S. leptodictya , S. nebulosa and S. pendulina . Anacardiaceae is widespread throughout the tropical, ...

21 / 12 / 2015 | Cherise Viljoen | Kirstenbosch NBG
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Searsia glauca

Searsia glauca
Common names: blue kunibush (Engl.); bloukoeniebos (Afr.)
Family: Anacardiaceae

... lancea , S. leptodictya , S. nebulosa and S. pendulina . Anacardiaceae is widespread throughout the tropical, ...

12 / 10 / 2015 | Cherise Viljoen | Kirstenbosch NBG
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Searsia pondoensis

Searsia pondoensis
Common names: many-veined currant (Engl.); veelnerftaaibos (Afr.); inHlangushane (SiSwati)
Family: Anacardiaceae

07 / 09 / 2015 | Andrew Hankey | Walter Sisulu NBG
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Ozoroa sphaerocarpa

Tree growing in habitat
Common names: currant resin tree (Eng.); korenteharpuisboom (Afr.); imfuce lemnyamma (IsiSwati); monoko (Sepedi)
Family: Anacardiaceae

08 / 12 / 2014 | Mahlatse Mogale | TSP
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Searsia crenata

Leaves and fruits
Common names: dune crow-berry; duinekraaibessie (Afr.)
Family: Anacardiaceae

... Garden June 2014   Searsia crenata is a member of the Anacardiaceae, the mango family. This evergreen shrub or ...

16 / 06 / 2014 | Benjamin Festus | Harold Porter NBG
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Searsia batophylla

Searsia batophylla
Common names: bramble currant (Eng.); braamtaaibos (Afr.)
Family: Anacardiaceae

08 / 07 / 2013 | J K Baloyi | Pretoria NBG
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Lannea discolor

New leaves
Common names: dikbas (Afr.); live-long, tree grape (Eng.); morulamopsane, mokgôkgôthwane (Sepedi); muvhumbu (Venda)
Family: Anacardiaceae

12 / 11 / 2012 | T.T. Masupa | Pretoria NBG
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Protorhus longifolia

Protorhus longifolia flowers © Geoff Nichols
Common names: red beech, purple currant, red Cape beech (Eng.); rooiboekenhout, rooimelkhout (Afr.); ikhubalo, isifuce (isiXhosa); umkomiso, uzintlwa (isiZulu)
Family: Anacardiaceae

02 / 07 / 2012 | Alec Naidoo | Pretoria NBG
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Ozoroa obovata var. elliptica

Ozoroa obovata tree
Common names: broad-leaved resin tree (Eng.); breë blaarharpuisboom (Afr.)
Family: Anacardiaceae

05 / 09 / 2011 | J K Baloyi | Pretoria NBG
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Ozoroa paniculosa

Ozoroa paniculosa tree
Common names: common resin tree, bushveld ozoroa (Eng.): gewone harpuisboom (Afr.); isifice (Zulu); monoko (N. Sotho/Sepedi); mudumbula (Venda)
Family: Anacardiaceae

... included in the genus Heeria. Ozoroa is a genus within the Anacardiaceae family (the mango family). This genus has ...

12 / 04 / 2010 | Terence Mabela | Walter Sisulu NBG
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Laurophyllus capensis

Laurophyllus capensis female tree in habitat
Common names: iron martin (Eng.); ystermartiens, filabos(sie), vlakwitels (Afr.)
Family: Anacardiaceae

... same area. The family to which this plant belongs is the Anacardiaceae, which is chiefly tropical, although some ...

25 / 05 / 2009 | Jane Forrester | Harold Porter NBG
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Searsia magalismontana subsp. magalismontana

S. magalismontana subsp. magalismontana bush Photo: Linette Ferreira
Common names: bergtaaibos (Afr.)
Family: Anacardiaceae

... featured in a footnote to a key to the genera of the Anacardiaceae family where Barkley (1942) stated ' Searsia ...

18 / 08 / 2008 | K Behr | Pretoria NBG
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Searsia pyroides

Unripe fruits.Photo Copyright Geoff Nichols
Common names: common wild currant, fire-thorn karree (Eng.); gewone taaibos (Afr); motshakhutshakhu (North Sotho); koditshane (South Sotho); mogodiri (Tswana); muta
Family: Anacardiaceae

... burning sensation caused by a prick from the thorns. The Anacardiaceae family is widespread in warmer parts of the ...

19 / 02 / 2007 | Giles Mbambezeli | Kirstenbosch NBG
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