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Search results for "Nerine" (displaying 11 of 11 on page 1)
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Nerine gracilis
... pictures on iNaturalist and allowing us to use the images. Nerine gracilis is a fast-growing, deciduous, summer ... until about the middle of March. Germination of Nerine gracilis is good in a habitat with high soil ... very freely when the soil is saturated and damp. Nerine gracilis is known from northern, south-central and ...
Nerine ridleyi
... base, and have rounded tips. Fig. 2 . Bulb and leaves of Nerine ridleyi . The flowering plant has a sturdy peduncle ... fleshy, and produced within membranous capsules. Fig. 3. Nerine ridleyi , light pink form, with leaves. Nerine ridleyi is restricted to upper mountain slopes within ...
Nerine krigei
... 2017 Images courtesy of Georg Fritz and Clinton Rautenbach Nerine krigei is a summer-growing, bulbous plant, ... a plant will persist and flower for many years. Nerine krigei is endemic to South Africa and is found in the ... Provinces, growing in damp depressions in grassland. Nerine krigei may attract wildlife to the garden, such as ...
Nerine bowdenii
... Garden November 2015 This deciduous, summer-growing nerine reaches up to 700 mm high in flower, and grows from a ... in a subglobose capsule with thin membranous walls. Nerine bowdenii comprises two subspecies, subsp. bowdenii and ... January to May, versus April to May in subsp. bowdenii . Nerine bowdenii is native to the Eastern Cape and ...
Nerine filifolia
... P.P.J Herman National Herbarium, Pretoria January 2012 Nerine filifolia is a semi-deciduous, perennial bulbous herb. ... plants in flower have been collected as late as July. Nerine filifolia is an Eastern Cape endemic. It grows in ... which are obviously responsible for its pollination. Nerine Nerine filifolia is fast-growing, and bulbs multiply ...
Nerine undulata
... Duncan) Free State National Botanical Garden August 2011 Nerine undulata is a summer-growing bulbous perennial, up to ... tepals that tend to roll inwards and are strongly crisped. Nerine undulata occurs in open grassland in wetlands, along ... ground when ripe and germinate close to the mother plant. Nerine The easiest way to propagate most forms of Nerine ...
Nerine gibsonii
... Duncan Kirstenbosch National Botanical Garden May 2004 Nerine gibsonii is an evergreen or summer-growing geophyte ... stored in the plentiful storage tissue of the seed. Nerine gibsonii has a highly restricted distribution in the ... cultivation they usually remain evergreen. The flowers of Nerine gibsonii are self fertile and do not require ...
Nerine humilis
... germinate often when still inside the dry fruit capsule. Nerine humilis grows in colonies and flowers particularly ... narrow linear leaves and short, slender flower stalks. Nerine humilis has a relatively wide distribution and is not ... fruiting bodies are blown along the ground by the wind. Nerine Nerine humilis and N. sarniensis are particularly ...
Nerine laticoma
Free State NBG Shireen Harris Free State NBG October 2003 Nerine laticoma includes several forms which were previously ... one to many round, or irregularly-shaped, fleshy seeds. Nerine species hybridize easily so, if several species are ... proximity, the seed is likely to yield garden hybrids. Nerine laticoma occurs in a broad band stretching from the ...
Nerine masoniorum
... Kirstenbosch National Botanical Garden February 2003 Nerine masoniorum has dainty, compact flowerheads which ... It is evergreen when cultivated in temperate climates. Nerine masoniorum has an extremely limited distribution and ... are dislodged from the capsules, forming dense colonies. Nerine Nerine masoniorum is the most easily cultivated of all ...
Nerine sarniensis
... The highly ornamental endemic southern African genus Nerine comprises 25 species and is represented in Namibia, ... under cultivation in temperate climates, the species of Nerine can conveniently be placed into three distinct groups, ... winter-growing, summer-growing and evergreen species. Nerine sarniensis belongs to the small group of four ...