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Search results for "Pelargonium" (displaying 20 of 73 on page 2)
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Pelargonium hirtum
... is fairly common on the Cape Peninsula. The light seed of Pelargonium is a feathered, tail-like structure, which is ... chance of germination The specific pollinator of the hairy pelargonium is not known. Several other insects, including ... bees and butterflies, are involved with the pollination of Pelargonium grossularoides , P. peltatum , P. dolomiticum and ...
Pelargonium heterophyllum
... by goats, which graze shrubs during dry times. Pelargonium Best cultivated in a mixture comprising of half ... usually flower from the second year onwards. The name Pelargonium is derived from the Greek word pelargos , meaning ... ‘stork’ because the rostrum of the schizocarp in Pelargonium is thought to resemble the bill of a stork. The ...
Pelargonium hermanniifolium
... Adams Kirstenbosch National Botanical Garden May 2012 Pelargonium hermanniifolium is an erect, multi-stemmed woody ... from September to April with a marked peak in spring. Pelargonium hermanniifolium occurs in the Western Cape from ... where it grows in sandy soils derived from sandstone Pelargonium crispum which is fairly closely related to P. ...
Pelargonium grossularioides
... quick growing plant which usually only lasts about a year. Pelargonium grossularioides has a fairly wide distribution, ... Bees that are looking for nectar probably pollinate it. Pelargonium This would be a useful species where a very ... used at about every third or fourth watering if necessary. Pelargonium grossularioides is one of about 270 species of ...
Pelargonium greytonense
... NBG Trevor Adams Kirstenbosch Gardens November 2012 Pelargonium greytonense is an erect, much branched 1 m shrub ... with a peak flowering period in October and November. Pelargonium greytonense has a small distribution area in the ... five seeds per flower, have a good chance of germinating. Pelargonium Pelargoniums are found growing in most areas of ...
Pelargonium graveolens
... Kirstenbosch National Botanical Garden November 2002 Pelargonium graveolens is an erect, much-branched shrub, ... regions, the summer is hot and the winter is mild, and Pelargonium graveolens is found growing on the mountains, in ... such as kloofs, usually in relatively moist habitats. Pelargonium graveolens has also been recorded in Zimbabwe and ...
Pelargonium grandiflorum
... Adams Kirstenbosch National Botanical Garden March 2011 Pelargonium grandiflorum is an erect straggling herbaceous ... to pink with darker blotches on the upper two petals. Pelargonium grandiflorum flowers from August to January. Pelargonium grandiflorum is restricted to the south western ...
Pelargonium glutinosum
... National Botanical Garden September 2008 Pelargonium glutinosum is an erect, well-branched, ... pear-shape. Reinhard Knuth in 1910 described this as Pelargonium erectum. Populations from the Limpopo Province ... considerable differences exist between the extreme forms. Pelargonium glutinosum occurs from Piketberg in the Western ...
Pelargonium gibbosum
... Oliver Kirstenbosch National Botanical Garden May 2020 Pelargonium gibbosum is a dense, scrambling shrub that can ... throughout the summer, from November to April. The gouty pelargonium is common in sandy and rocky places near the sea, ... at dusk, dawn or at night, such as a moth. In the genus Pelargonium the seed or mericarp has a feathered, tail-like ...
Pelargonium fulgidum
... Wall Kirstenbosch National Botanical Garden May 2009 Pelargonium fulgidum is a perennial dwarf shrub with a ... occurs from winter to early summer (June to November). Pelargonium fulgidum grows on exposed, windswept granite ... to trap moisture by condensing fog on the leaves at night. Pelargonium Pelargonium fulgidum grows in the winter rainfall ...
Pelargonium fruticosum
... NBG Trevor Adams Kirstenbosch NBG September 2010 Pelargonium fruticosum is a small shrublet, 450 mm tall. The ... basal part about 6 mm long and a tail about 35 mm long. Pelargonium fruticosum flowers throughout the year but has a peak period during September and November. Pelargonium fruticosum occurs in the southern Cape from ...
Pelargonium exstipulatum
... Millenium Seed Bank Partnership, Kirstenbosch June 2012 Pelargonium exstipulatum is a somewhat woody shrublet that ... petioles (leaf stalks) often remain behind on the stems. Pelargonium exstipulatum has a long flowering period starting ... genera and roughly 219 species of the Geraniaceae family. Pelargonium exstipulatum grows in sandy soil in rocky ...
Pelargonium elegans
... Kirstenbosch National Botanical Garden February 2007 Pelargonium elegans is a small tufted perennial up to 450 mm ... upper two petals. Flowering is from September to January. Pelargonium elegans is confined to coastal flats and dunes in ... It also occurs at Potberg near Malgas. The seed of Pelargonium is quite interesting: attached to the ...
Pelargonium echinatum
Karoo Desert NBG Ian Oliver Karoo Desert NBG July 2004 Pelargonium echinatum is summer deciduous. The leafless ... and using its green succulent stem for photosynthesis. Pelargonium Pelargonium echinatum will live for approximately 20 years, ...
Pelargonium denticulatum
... Adams Kirstenbosch National Botanical Garden April 2010 Pelargonium denticulatum is a well branched strongly aromatic ... basal part about 6 mm long and a tail of about 35 mm long. Pelargonium denticulatum is restricted to a small region in ... being blown away, or carried away on moving animals. Pelargonium Pelargonium denticulatum can be propagated from ...
Pelargonium cucullatum x betulinum 'Kommetjie'
... between December and January. Natural hybrids between Pelargonium betulinum and several different forms of P. ... chance to germinate successfully and survive as seedlings. Pelargonium This species is propagated by means of cuttings ... same processes as for other species of (fynbos) Pelargonium can followed. Sow seed in early autumn in a ...
Pelargonium cucullatum
... National Botanical Garden November 2000 When in flower Pelargonium cucullatum is covered with pinkish, purple flowers and is the most conspicuous pelargonium in the south western Cape, especially when growing in dense masses. Pelargonium cucullatum is a fairly tall, sprawling shrub ...
Pelargonium crithmifolium
... knobs on them, and greenish yellow with peeling bark. Pelargonium crithmifolium is summer deciduous. The plant is ... a height of 1 m. They can live for more than forty years. Pelargonium crithmifolium occurs in southern Namibia, the ... tolerant, being able to survive temperatures of -4 °C. Pelargonium crithmifolium is pollinated by bees and bumble ...
Pelargonium crispum
... Kirstenbosch National Botanical Garden June 2011 Pelargonium crispum is an erect, much-branched shrub that ... from August to April with a peak in September and October. Pelargonium crispum occurs from Worcester to Bredasdorp in ... around by the wind or affected by the movement of animals. Pelargonium Pelargonium crispum is ideal for any garden as it ...
Pelargonium crassicaule
... E. Retief & S.P. Bester National Herbarium June 2009 Pelargonium crassicaule is a small, succulent plant with ... long and a tail of about 35 mm long. The distribution of Pelargonium crassicaule is limited to a narrow of land about ... less than 100 mm of rain per annum (mainly in winter) Pelargonium crassicaule is exposed to mist rolling in from ...