Plants of the Week
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Encephalartos senticosus
Encephalartos senticosus is a quick-growing, glossy dark green giant cycad for your ornamental garden. ...
Agathosma collina
The mildly aromatic Agathosma collina is a hardy shrublet suitable for strandveld or coastal areas where it will cheer up the garden with its bright yellow-green...
Lachenalia pustulata
Lachenalia pustulata, with its vast array of flower colours, is a most rewarding Cape winter-growing bulb to cultivate....
Senegalia nigrescens
Senegalia nigrescens is a deciduous, small to medium-sized tree which occurs in various savanna regions, often at low altitudes, and in rocky areas, on...
Salvia namaensis
The petite pretty flowers and water-wise, hardy nature of Salvia namaensis will add herbaceous charm to any garden....
Ozoroa obovata var. elliptica
The broad-leaved resin tree is a semi-deciduous to evergreen shrub or tree that is suitable for small gardens....
Euryops muirii
Euryops muirii is a very special species that is restricted to the limestone in and around Still Bay. It has a very limited distribution and occurs...
Serruria triternata
The Tulbagh spiderhead is a charming fynbos shrub suited to an informal indigenous garden. It is rather nondescript when not flowering but in spring time...
Leysera gnaphalodes
Leysera gnaphalodes is a perennial aromatic shrublet with radiant yellow flowers that occurs in the winter rainfall parts of South Africa and Namibia....
Polytrichum commune
Polytrichum commune is one of the largest mosses in southern Africa and can grow up to 25 cm high. Its stiff, narrow leaves are spirally arranged at right...
Lobostemon montanus
Lobostemon montanus is a shrub from the Borage family with unusually large leaves for the genus, which are complemented by a cluster of pale blue...
Encephalartos princeps
Encephalartos princeps is a lovely blue-leaved cycad that responds well to full sun and tolerates any soil type, provided that the soil is well drained...
Nerine undulata
Nerine undulata is native to the Eastern Cape Province. It is almost evergreen and produces very dainty, soft pink, spider-like flowers which can give...
Lobostemon belliformis
Lobostemon belliformis is an incredibly rare and fabulous shrub from the Borage family; it is spectacular in bloom with its clusters of red tubular...
Rauvolfia caffra
A fine, fast-growing tree for sheltered gardens, easily grown from seed and an unusually decorative tree for larger gardens and parks....
Eucomis schijffii
Eucomis schijffii is an alpine bulb with a striking rosette of bluish-grey leaves and a short raceme of purplish-maroon, fetid blooms. It is frost-hardy...
Serruria fucifolia
Serruria fucifolia is a charming medium-sized fynbos shrub. During late winter and early spring it is covered in sweetly-scented silver-pink flowers....
Aloe komaggasensis
This aloe was previously known as Aloe striata subsp. komaggasensis. It is relatively new to science and not established at all in horticulture...
Ledebouria genus
The genus Ledebouria was described in 1821 by Roth, although the history of the genus dates back even further, with several authors placing it...
Lachenalia orchioides
Large strikingly attractive flowers varying in colour through shades of blue, pink, lilac to bright yellow and green make this species an attractive container...