Plants of the Week
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Strelitzia caudata
Strelitzia caudata is one of three arborescent banana-like Strelitzia species occurring in southern Africa. It is a good focal point for a mid-size to...
Brackenridgea zanguebarica
Gladiolus dalenii
Gladiolus dalenii and other Gladiolus species are popular garden plants, cultivated in Europe for more than 250 years and renowned for their striking,...
Gasteria ellaphieae
Gasteria ellaphieae is a dwarf aloe-like, succulent-leaved plant (rock crevice plant) endemic to the Kouga Dam region of the Eastern Cape Province....
Galtonia candicans
Galtonia candicans is now called Ornithogalum candicans....
Jordaaniella cuprea
A creeping succulent, with large bright attractive orange daisy-like flowers, this plant is ideal for water-wise gardens....
Crassula setulosa
An attractive flowering dwarf cushion-succulent, drought tolerant and excellent for rockeries and living walls....
Hesperantha pauciflora
Hesperantha pauciflora is an attractive geophyte growing up to 150 mm high. This plant grows as a deciduous perennial and forms small tubers with a hard...
Gasteria doreeniae
Gasteria doreeniae is a dwarf aloe-like, succulent-leaved, cliff-dwelling plant (cliff hugger) endemic to the Swartwaterspoort of the Eastern Cape...
Erica fairii
Conserve a species on the brink of extinction and marvel at the unique beauty of this unassuming plant....
Sterculia rogersii
This is a small tree with smooth bark flaking to reveal reddish to purple or yellowish under-bark and a characteristic thickset trunk. It has saucer-shaped,...
Pelargonium grandiflorum
One cannot but stop and admire the beautiful large flowers of this pelargonium....
Streptocarpus gardenii
Streptocarpus gardenii is a delicate, dainty plant with a pale flower that loves the shady gloom found beneath trees....
Bowiea volubilis
Bowiea volubilis subsp volubilis has an unusual succulent adaptation - climbing inflorescences that harvest photosynthetic light in the absence of aerial...
Streptocarpus baudertii
Streptocarpus baudertii is a small herbaceous delight, with pretty mauve flowers and hairy leaves. It is special because it is not usually found in the...
Asclepias bicuspis
Thought to be extinct and known from only six collections, two of which were collected over a hundred years ago, Asclepias bicuspis, was unexpectedly rediscovered...
Hyaenanche globosa
The gifboom is a large evergreen fynbos shrub or small tree endemic to the Gifberg of the northern Bokkeveld Escarpment just south of Vanrhynsdorp (northern...
Boophone haemanthoides
Boophone haemanthoides is a summer-flowering geophyte growing up to 500 mm tall. It looks very much like a primitive plant with at least two thirds of...
Leucospermum cuneiforme
Leucospermum cuneiforme produces its showy pincushions from spring into late summer, bringing welcome colour to the fynbos garden in mid summer....