Plants of the Week
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Myrothamnus flabellifolius
The leaves of the resurrection plant shrink and appear to be dead in the dry season, but miraculously turn green within a few minutes after exposure to...
Lobelia jasionoides
This charming, herbaceous, perennial groundcover with masses of tiny lilac and white flowers is suited to light shady places but will also grow in full...
Crinum macowanii
Senecio speciosissimus
Senecio speciosissimus boasts attractive flower heads of pink to mauve flowers from July to December, although it seems to flower more abundantly during...
Erica halicacaba
Erica halicacaba is a unique species with no close relatives in the genus Erica. It is notable for its unusual growth form, its particular niche...
Saltera sarcocolla
Saltera sarcocolla belongs to the Penaeaceae, which is a family confined to the fynbos region. Despite interesting variations in plant and flower...
Empodium elongatum
Autumn stars, elusive among grasses, are spotted by their bright yellow starry flowers....
Syncarpha vestita
At the height of its flowering, this relatively short-lived, woolly shrublet forms masses of beautiful white flowerheads that shine in the bright light...
Nephrotheca ilicifolia
This aromatic shrub is a good addition to a fynbos garden....
Othonna dentata
This blue-grey succulent shrublet is ideally suited to coastal gardens and deserves to be more popular with gardeners....
Gerbera galpinii
Most Gerberas occur in grasslands, a few species are found in forests, while this one is unusual in that it is found in marshy places. Wherever they are...
Gladiolus caryophyllaceus
Gladiolus caryophyllaceus is a robust and beautiful pink-flowered cormous plant with a heady perfume reminiscent of cloves and carnations. It makes...
Cyrtanthus ventricosus
This plant, a true fire lily, defies the elements by producing its beautiful, salmon to scarlet blooms just nine days after the seemingly destructive effects...
Tulbaghia simmleri
Tulbaghia simmleri is a desirable and rewarding garden plant, with decorative and sweetly fragrant flowers, and it is easy to grow....
Silene undulata
This small herb is used as a 'dream plant'....
Plectranthus ciliatus
With its attractive white to light purple-pink flowers and ornamental foliage, this species is a pleasure for any moist subtropical garden, ideal for hanging...
Leucadendron floridum
As its name implies, the Flats conebush is suited to wetland areas or damp positions in the garden. Plant this shrub in groups to add seasonal colour and...
Zeuxine africana
Zeuxine africana, listed as Endangered on the South African Red List, is only known from a single locality - the busiest port of southern Africa, Durban...
Gazania rigida
Gazania rigida is not easy to miss during late winter to early summer when it colours the landscape in bright splashes of orange and yellow....
Funaria hygrometrica
The attractive red-brown spore-bearing part of the plant (sporophyte), which consists of a long, twisting stalk (seta) with an asymmetrical, grooved capsule...