Plants of the Week
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Erica glauca var. glauca
The flowers of Erica glauca var. glauca are spectacular and most unusual for the genus in both construction and colour. The bracts...
Hibiscus pedunculatus
A delicate, delightful, indigenous hibiscus, with bright pink flowers on dainty stalks....
Elephantorrhiza elephantina
Underground trees might sound like a new environmentalist movement, but these fascinating plants do exist in reality. In more than one way, they've...
Haplocladium angustifolium
The mosses are a group of non-flowering plants belonging to the Bryophyta division of the main plant kingdom. They are fairly small with most of their...
Diascia patens
Little is known about the petite Diascia patens with its clambering habit and long flowering season. It should have made its appearance as a quaint addition...
Paranomus reflexus
Paranomus reflexus is an unusual, decorative fynbos shrub with showy winter flowers; it is probably the best known paranomus but is not often seen...
Bachmannia woodii
Phyllanthus reticulatus
Phyllanthus reticulatus is usually a dense deciduous shrub or small tree with a distinct smell that is emitted by the minute flowers when they open...
Pelargonium lanceolatum
Pelargonium lanceolatum is an excellent plant for a small rockery garden....
Calobota cytisoides
Calobota cytisoides is an attractive, yellow-flowered shrub which is widespread in the Western Cape Province of South Africa....
Begonia dregei
Begonia dregei is a spectacular herbaceous, summer-flowering, shade-loving perennial that makes an excellent indoor display pot plant. It is an evergreen...
The relatively unknown genus Marasmodes is confined to the lowlands of the south-western Western Cape and occurs in the critically endangered Renosterveld...
Aloe cryptopoda
Aloe cryptopoda is a very attractive and unique species; it is a popular garden plant and provides a spectacular display when in full flower. It thrives...
Erepsia pillansii
An erect shrublet with striking magenta and white flowers, Erepsia pillansii is endemic to the Piketberg Mountains....
Cenchrus ciliaris
Cenchrus ciliaris is a perennial, tufted grass. The inflorescence is a bristly 'spike' (like a cat's tail) and is nearly always purple to...
Protea stokoei
The Cape Floristic Region is known for its extraordinary plant diversity and for the gems that can be found amongst it. One of these gems is Protea...
Plectranthus fruticosus 'Liana'
A striking new cultivar with blue-mauve flowers for shade or semi-sun that will tolerate frost....
Erica nana
As winter begins to loosen its grip in the Cape, spring is heralded by a magnificent profusion of sunshine yellow as Erica nana comes into flower....
Barleria ameliae
If you are living in a subtropical area and looking for a fast growing, indigenous plant to solve your problem of planting open sunny areas in your garden,...
Erica psittacina
Erica psittacina, discovered by chance in 2002 during an orchid field trip, is the most restricted Erica species in KwaZulu-Natal province....