Plants of the Week
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Stangeria eriopus
Stangeria eriopus, not often seen in cultivation, develops into a most attractive perennial with large fern-like leaves, which is why it is often mistaken...
Known globally as African starfish flowers, and locally as carrion flowers, members of the genus Stapelia are usually characterised by their...
Stapelia gigantea
Stapelia gigantea has the largest flowers (up to 40 cm across) of any plant in our region and is one of the easiest stapeliads to grow. Plants are widely...
Stapelia leendertziae
Stapelia leendertziae is probably the most striking species of the genus Stapelia, especially when in flower, due to the unique, large, bell-shaped, deep...
Stayneria neilii
Scarce in cultivation, this attractive water-wise succulent shrub is not well known in horticulture but is ideal for arid gardens in the winter-rainfall...
Steirodiscus tagetes
A small, wiry-stemmed annual with striking, yellow flowers in spring, endemic to the Greater Cape Floristic Region, and one of the most attractive annuals...
Stenoglottis fimbriata
This charming, mauve, ground orchid is easily identified by the dark markings found on the leaves and flowers....
Stenoglottis longifolia
The long-leaved stenoglottis is an attractive, relatively easy-to-grow orchid that charms with its graceful spikes of lilac to mauve flowers. It naturally...
Stenoglottis woodii
This easy to grow, miniature, terrestrial orchid from the eastern seaboard of South Africa, provides a long-flowering summer display on a protected patio...
Stenostelma umbelliferum
Stenostelma umbelluliferum was recently moved to the genus Stenostelma. Previously known as Schizoglossum umbelluliferum, it was rediscovered in...
Stephania abyssinica
A slender climbing plant with smooth, deep green, heart-shaped leaves and long twining stems, that can climb up to 10 m high....
Sterculia alexandri
Sterculia alexandri is a medium-sized, thickset tree with compound leaves and yellow flowers. It is endemic to the Eastern Cape, west of Port Elizabeth,...
Sterculia murex
It is not only the beauty of the flowers that creates interest in this tree, but also the unique appearance of its fruit and the lovely, palmately compound...
Sterculia rogersii
This is a small tree with smooth bark flaking to reveal reddish to purple or yellowish under-bark and a characteristic thickset trunk. It has saucer-shaped,...
Stilbe ericoides
Pink stilbe is an erect or straggling, resprouting, ericoid shrub with densely leafy, velvety branches and pink flowers in dense, rounded spikes at the...
Stilbe vestita
Stilbe vestita is a fynbos shrub with upright stems that are covered with closely packed, needle-like leaves, and have dense spikes of small white flowers...
Not everyone will recognize members of this genus as belonging to the Asteraceae. There are no showy ray flowers and the white or pink disc flowers are...
Stoeberia arborea
Stoeberia arborea is the largest member of the Mesembryanthemaceae. It is a woody, ascending shrub, 2 to 5 m tall and bearing small white flowers....
Stoeberia carpii
Stoeberia carpii is one of six Stoeberia species endemic to the winter-rainfall region of South Africa and Namibia. They are shrubby leaf...
Stoeberia giftbergensis
A large, shrubby, leaf succulent with white to pink flowers in spring; it is a rare endemic of the Gifberg in the Western Cape....