Plants of the Week
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Tulbaghia acutiloba
A lovely, small and delicate bulbous perennial, with garlic-scented, edible leaves and sweetly fragrant flowers almost all year round....
Drosanthemum longipes
A remarkable, summer dormant, scrambling, leaf succulent, with magenta-pink flowers in winter, re-sprouting annually in autumn, producing many stems from...
Ceropegia crassifolia var. crassifolia
Members of the genus Ceropegia in the strict sense, are characterized by tubular flowers specially adapted for the temporary capture of insects for pollination...
Ipomoea oenotheroides
An eye-catching, drought-resistant shrublet with bright pink ‘morning glory’ flowers in summer and silvery stems sprouting from inedible tuberous...
Erica grandiflora subsp. grandiflora
A sturdy fynbos shrub with outstanding bright orange flowers at the hottest, driest time of the year....
Lapeirousia anceps
A small bulbous plant that is drought tolerant and thrives on low rainfall, transforming the veld with a spectacular display of masses of tubular, white...
Barleria oxyphylla
Rare but interesting....
Ledebouria ovatifolia subsp. scabrida
An unusual flat-leaved Ledebouria which has leaves pressed flat on the ground and the upper surface of the leaves adorned with tongue-shaped papillae which...
Dietes butcheriana
Dietes butcheriana is an indigenous, shade-loving, evergreen irid with broad leaves arranged in a fan, and large, white flowers with apricot markings,...
Ledebouria socialis
This attractive, small bulbous plant, is by far the most popular of all the Ledebouria species, enjoyed by many collectors of rare and unusual plants,...
Cussonia sphaerocephala
A highly ornamental, fast-growing tree, with rounded heads atop tall, slender stems developing into magnificent specimens, but don’t plant it near...
Ledebouria rupestris
An attractive dwarf Ledebouria forming dense clusters of many tiny bulbs which flower freely and make a handsome pot subject. This highly range restricted...
Helichrysum patulum
Helichrysum patulum has attractive, aromatic, grey foliage and strongly honey-scented summer flowers. It is easy to grow, water-wise, makes an excellent...
Eriosema umtamvunense
Eriosema umtamvunense is an erect perennial shrub, with densely hairy stems, leaves and pods, red and yellow flowers in summer, a horizontal woody rootstock,...
Pachypodium succulentum
A slow-growing shrublet characterized by its unusual thickened, underground, water-storing, tuberous stem, which helps the plant to survive during drought...
Ledebouria revoluta
A widespread and very common species, this attractive Ledebouria shows a tremendous amount of variation across its extensive range....
Askidiosperma andreaeanum
A very aesthetically pleasing, compact, tufted plant, with a rounded growth form, attractive smooth stems and golden spathes....
Xylia torreana
An attractive deciduous tree with fragrant yellow flowers in little balls in early summer, followed by large, woody pods....
Chrysocoma ciliata
A dense, slender-stemmed shrublet that boasts with its alluring, bright yellow, globular flowerheads....
Limonium capense
A poorly known, drought-tolerant shrublet for coastal gardens, producing masses of pink papery flowers in early summer....