Plants of the Week
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Vigna unguiculata
Urbanization has led to the decline of traditional plant-based diets, impacting health. Vigna unguiculata, rich in protein, helps fill this gap with its...
Serruria hirsuta
A splendid specimen that shapes itself into a rounded form, showcasing its beautiful flower heads and pink flowers, which attract bees and other insects,...
Hibiscus waterbergensis
As a neat, upright, little-branched shrub of about 1.5 m tall, with its greyish-green appearance and vibrant scarlet-red flowers in summer, Hibiscus waterbergensis...
Erica ampullacea
Acmadenia tetragona
A hardy aromatic shrub that captures attention in spring, with its delicate, light pink flowers with pink nectar guides clearly visible in the centre of...
Kalanchoe alticola
Kalanchoe alticola is a small shrubby succulent with rounded leaves and striking yellow flowers in autumn and winter, growing at high altitudes near Barberton...
Protea aurea subsp. aurea
A tall, upright shrub with iconic cream or pink flower heads in summer and autumn, that resemble candles when in bud and look like a shuttlecock when open....
Plectranthus mzimvubuensis
The Mzimvubu spurflower, has striking, aromatic foliage, and pink flowers borne on long, reddish stalks in late summer and autumn, giving it a pleasing...
Gladiolus phoenix
A Critically Rare, highly localized endemic from the Bain’s Kloof Mountains. It produces bright pink flowers only in the first year after a fire,...
Selago corymbosa
Selago corymbosa is an unassuming, dainty, herbaceous perennial with white flowers in summer, a great addition to any home garden....
Helichrysum pedunculatum
Helichrysum pedunculatum is a perennial herb that is distinguished by its large flower heads and aromatic, bicoloured leaves that are glossy above and...
Marasmodes defoliata
The long, narrow, leaves of Marasmodes defoliata are shed at an early stage (caducous) exposing its slender stems, leaving them bare. Its bell-shaped,...
Gloriosa rigidifolia
Waterberg bells is a strict endemic from the Waterberg Plateau and not known in cultivation. It usually grows in rocky situations in full sun or dappled...
Erica thomae
Erica thomae is a variable species with white, pale green or pink, tubular, very sticky flowers over quite a long flowering period; it starts to show off...
Encephalartos humilis
A small and inconspicuous, clump-forming, evergreen, dioecious, cone-bearing plant, arising from an underground stem, often growing wedged between low...
Morella pilulifera
Morella pilulifera is a multi-purpose shrub or small tree with yellowish-green leaves, catkin-like flowers and dense clusters of black berries along the...
Geissorhiza ovata
A dainty bulbous plant with white and pink flowers in spring, that blooms profusely after a fire....
Alepidea macowani
Alepidea macowanii is a robust, perennial herb known for its hollow, grooved, branched stem and thick, aromatic rootstock. It has basal leaves arranged...
Pseudogaltonia clavata
The desert coconut (Pseudogaltonia clavata) is an impressive bulbous plant with tall spikes of drooping greenish white flowers, which add architectural...
Agathosma muirii
A hardy, aromatic and water-wise, white- to pink-flowering shrub which thrives in full sun, on limestone or sandy patches in fynbos vegetation....