Plants of the Week
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Amphithalea tomentosa
Ampithalea tomentosa is a striking plant found in Lowland Fynbos, with eye-catching, silvery foliage and yellow blossoms almost hidden by the hairy calyx,...
Anthospermum spathulatum subsp. spathulatum
A dense, woody shrublet with small, needle-like leaves densely covering the stems to form an interesting arrangement of foliaged branches....
Athanasia trifurcata
A fast-growing shrub with grey 3-forked leaves, displaying showy clusters of beautiful yellow flower heads in early summer, well suited for fynbos, renosterveld,...
Albuca bracteata
A clump-forming bulbous geophyte with green and white flowers on tall stems during summer, the common name pregnant onion is derived from the onion-like...
Aloe chabaudii
Grey aloe is a water-wise garden plant which can be planted in a rockery garden and flower beds to add colour during the winter season. It is a stemless...
Acacia sekhukhuniensis
This plant is now called Vachellia sekhukhuniensis...
Adromischus leucophyllus
The flour-stonecrop is a dwarf, cluster-forming to pendent leaf succulent from the mountainous regions between Barrydale, Montagu, Robertson and De Doorns...
Adromischus subdistichus
The book-stonecrop is a dwarf, mat-forming to pendent, leaf succulent from the mountainous regions near Willowmore in Eastern Cape. The rounded flattened...
Adromischus schuldtianus subsp. brandbergensis
Adromischus schuldtianus subsp. brandbergensis is a rare, cliff-hugging succulent from the Brandberg in central northern Namibia, it represents the northernmost...
Aloe hahnii
Aloe hahnii is a small, slow-growing, single-stemmed aloe, with a short stem, succulent leaves and red, white and green flowers. It occurs in the mistbelt...
Adromischus diabolicus
Adromischus diabolicus is a rare, cliff-hugging succulent from the Northern Cape. The plants are dwarf, rosulate, leaf and stem succulents forming small...
Aloe globuligemma
Alepidea genus
Alepidea is one of only two African-endemic genera within the Saniculeae tribe of the Apiaceae, the other being its sister genus Arctopus. Southern Africa...
Agathosma dielsiana
Aristea grandis
A beautiful, robust, grass-like plant with striking deep blue flowers that grow in clusters up tall stems, and broad, pale green leaves. It is a member...
Aloe suprafoliata
Aloe suprafoliata has a distinctive growth habit that changes as it matures, with the young emerging leaves curving out sideways, stacked directly on top...