Plants of the Week
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Pterocelastrus tricuspidatus
When in fruit this widely distributed, evergreen bush or tree is a lovely sight, decorated with masses of brilliant orange fruit, which are enjoyed by...
Pterodiscus luridus
Pterodiscus luridus has a large swollen caudex aboveground that resembles a miniature baobab, particularly noticeable when the stems die back in winter...
Pterolobium stellatum
Pterolobium stellatum is a tall, scrambling or climbing shrub with woody rope-like stems....
Pteronia aspera
A floriferous, medicinally important shrub, with huge cultural value and commercial potential....
Pteronia incana
This unpalatable, aromatic, dwarf shrub with beautiful, dusty grey foliage and bright yellow flowers in spring and early summer, is one of the most widely...
Pteronia paniculata
Pteronia stricta
Pteronia stricta is an upright shrub with showy yellow flower heads that appear almost throughout the year....
Pteronia uncinata
This honey scented shrublet is a must-have for any coastal garden in the winter rainfall region of South Africa....
Putterlickia pyracantha
An awesome multi-stemmed shrub or small tree, with the most attractive flowers that become redder and more showy after they open. Its spiny character makes...
Pycnostachys reticulata
See Coleus kirkii ...
Pycnostachys urticifolia
See Coleus livingstonei...
Pyrrosia is a genus of mostly epiphytic and simple-leaved ferns....
Pyrrosia schimperiana
A rare fern, only known from the Blyde River Canyon in the Mpumalanga Province, confined to sheer cliffs. The plant grows in small, dense clusters, with...