Plants of the Week
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Dais cotinifolia
The pompon tree is one of the best known and well-loved indigenous trees, tough enough to be used as a street tree and small enough to fit into most gardens....
Dalbergia armata
Dalbergia armata has attractive acacia-like leaves and makes an excellent bonsai tree. It is a rather distinct climber, with stout thorns and it is a member...
Dalbergia melanoxylon
A beautiful, small, spiny tree, with fragrant, white, pea-like flowers in dense clusters in early summer; it also produces attractive purple-black heartwood...
Dalbergia obovata
Daubenya aurea
Although it is dormant during summer and autumn and has a very narrow distribution area, this extraordinary, beautiful member of the Hyacinth family is...
Deinbollia oblongifolia
Deinbollia oblongifolia is a shrub or small tree with masses of pale yellow fruits during the winter months; it is an excellent plant to feed garden wildlife,...
This predominantly summer rainfall genus has long been overlooked as a garden plant. Growth forms vary vastly and showy flowers are produced over long...
Delosperma abbottii
A cliff-dwelling, mat-forming, mesemb with yellow to magenta flowers in summer, known only from sandstone cliffs in the Pondoland region, in the Eastern...
Delosperma frutescens
The dwarf tree mesemb is a long-lived, slow-growing, ascending, much branched, tree-shaped mesemb with greyish, smooth stems, succulent greyish-green leaves...
Delosperma lydenbergense
This flat-growing ground cover or small shrub with its purple flowers can take full sun and is an attractive plant for gardens in warmer climates....
Delosperma nubigenum
The cloud-born delosperma is a mat-forming leaf succulent which becomes pendent on cliffs. It is endemic to the Drakensberg and highlands of Lesotho where...
Delosperma saxicola
A rare endemic of the coastal cliffs of the Tsitsikamma National Park. Its mat-forming habit makes it a great ground cover, especially for seafront, water-wise,...
Delosperma sutherlandii
Delosperma sutherlandii is a drought-tolerant perennial succulent with fleshy green foliage, and bright purple flowers in spring and summer. It is a ground...
Delosperma tradescantioides
The Kei delosperma is a cliff-hanger, mat-forming plant endemic to the Kei River and its tributaries, in the Eastern Cape. It has large, flat, hairy to...
Delosperma velutinum
Delosperma velutinum grows widespread along riverine cliffs in KwaZulu-Natal. It is a cliff-hugger with a spreading habit and can be used as a pot plant...
Delosperma waterbergense
Delosperma waterbergense is only known from cliffs along the upper Waterberg near Thabazimbi in the Limpopo Province. A fast grower, it has soft flaccid...
Delosperma zeederbergii
Delosperma zeederbergii is only known from cliffs along the upper Spekboom River near Lydenburg (Mashishing) in Mpumalanga. A fast grower, it has soft...
Delosperma zoutpansbergense
Delosperma zoutpansbergense is only known from south-facing upper cliffs along the upper Soutpansberg near Louis Trichard (Machadu) in Limpopo Province....
Dermatobotrys saundersii
Dermatobotrys saundersii is unusual in that it is an epiphytic shrublet, which grows in the forks of a variety of trees, and occasionally on the forest...
Desmodium repandum
See Hylodesmum repandum...