Plants of the Week
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Erica patersonii
This is one of a number of erica species that are threatened by urban expansion and farming practices....
Witsenia maura
This plant is one of the most striking woody iris shrubs; very different from the familiar herbaceous genera such as the Iris and Gladiolus, but equally...
Lachenalia viridiflora
Lachenalia viridiflora is a most appealing autumn- and winter-flowering bulbous plant, growing up to 200 mm high. Its startling turquoise blooms place...
Restio multiflorus
This is a very attractive, dense, upright, tufted plant that can be used as an accent plant or to provide a grass-like accent in a mixed border or fynbos...
Hypoxis colchicifolia
This is a must for every South African gardener, not only for its medicinal uses, but also for its bright yellow flowers in late spring....
Cyperus textilis
This is a decorative waterside plant that can also be used to weave baskets and sleeping mats or to make rolled twine....
Alepidea amatymbica
Alepidea amatymbica has extremely popular and highly sought after rhizomes, for medicinal use, and is an important component of the healer's pharmacy....
Tinnea barbata
This superb little shrub is related to salvias. The delicate deep purple-blue flowers dangling from erect branches like little ornaments are this shrub's...
Crinum paludosum
This is a very beautiful lily with funnel-shaped flowers that are white to pale pink, enhanced by reddish stigmas. Crinum paludosum is a slender,...
Eulophia horsfallii
Eulophia horsfallii ( sometimes called E.rosea) is a magnificent, tall-growing, purple-flowered orchid found in KwaZulu-Natal, Mpumalanga and Limpopo...
Dovyalis caffra
Dovyalis caffra is a lovely evergreen fruit tree or shrub. It is one of the three Dovyalis species, together with D. zeyheri (wild...
Restio dispar
This large, sturdy, Cape reed will introduce a true autumn feeling in your garden with its striking orange-brown, female inflorescences during April, May...
Bolusanthus speciosus
The tree wisteria is certainly one of the most spectacular of our indigenous trees when in flower, mimicking the splendour of the jacaranda, which unfortunately...
Baleria repens
The small bush violet produces masses of pretty tubular flowers and will happily scramble up into surrounding vegetation if conditions are good....
Apodytes dimidiata subsp.dimidiata
Apodytes dimidiata is the ideal tree for the home garden as it does not have messy fruits and is safe to plant near the house, not disturbing the...
Tinospora fragosa
Tinospora fragosa is an amazing and peculiar succulent-stemmed twiner with attractive heart-shaped leaves and red fruits. It is easily grown and thrives...
Encephalartos lehmannii
This cycad has been described as the hardiest, most drought resistant of the South African species. In the past, many specimens of this cycad were removed...
Lachenalia corymbosa
Lachenalia corymbosa is one of five brightly coloured, bulbous geophytes, which were previously in the genus Polyxena, but have now been included...
Encephalartos lebomboensis
This cycad is said to be one of the most popular cycads in cultivation, although there is some confusion about its identity. Several populations of what...
Lessertia frutescens
Lessertia frutescens is a much-respected and long-used medicinal plant that is also an attractive garden plant, and has been cultivated in gardens...