Plants of the Week
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Gomphostigma virgatum
Gomphostigma virgatum is a beautiful, evergreen, perennial shrub that can grow up to 2,6m high....
Aulax umbellata
A slender shrub with bright yellow flowerheads contrasting vividly with the purplish brown young foliage around the flowerheads during summer....
Geranium incanum
The Carpet Geranium is an ideal garden plant. It spreads and forms a dense carpet approximately 300 mm thick and flowers almost all year round with a peak...
Diascia integerrima
This lovely delicate plant is a jewel in the garden for it flowers abundantly throughout the summer....
Grewia occidentalis
This attractive indigenous shrub has a wide natural distribution....
Erica ventricosa
Erica ventricosa, with its exquisite flowers and dense, compact habit, is one of the most attractive of the Erica species. ...
Elegia fistulosa
Elegia fistulosa is a tall, grass-like plant, decorative nearly all year round, low-maintenance, easy and rewarding to grow....
Syncolostemon transvaalensis
Syncolostemon transvaalensis is decorative, pleasantly aromatic and easy to grow....
Zantedeschia aethiopica
Zantedeschia aethiopica is an old fashioned, but very rewarding garden plant....
Watsonia marginata
Watsonia marginata is a very pretty plant, with attractive foliage and gorgeous spikes of cup-shaped pink or white flowers. It is easily distinguished...
Maerua cafra
This is an unusual, very attractive little tree, especially when covered in fragrant white flowers in early spring. You may need to be patient...
Merwilla plumbea
Merwilla plumbea is a graceful perennial bulb, and with its tall plumes of blue flowers, the showiest of the South African scillas. Merwilla plumbea is...
Senegalia caffra
This beautiful tree is the most common naturally occurring senegalia in the Witwatersrand National Botanical Garden. It may reach up to 14m and has an...
Ursinia cakilefolia
Bright and cheerful, the annual ursinias are some of the easiest plants to grow for spring colour. ...
Crinum bulbispermum
Crinum bulbispermum is a highly attractive garden subject and can be grown all over South Africa provided it is given adequate water during its growing...
Scadoxus puniceus
The spectacular paintbrush lily is one of South Africa's most striking bulbous plants. This species is quite variable and a number of different forms...
Pelargonium betulinum
Pelargonium betulinum is dazzling in full flower, deserving of a place in any garden....
Mackaya bella
A graceful shrub or small tree with slender branches bearing glossy, dark green leaves and beautiful sprays of showy, white to mauve, bell-shaped flowers...
Leucadendron laxum
Tapinanthus rubromarginatus
This is a semi-parasitic aerial shrub with specialized roots called haustoria that grow into the wood of the host plant and extracts oil minerals...