Plants of the Week
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Aloe cooperi
Aloe cooperi is a southern African grassland aloe....
Aloe condyae
Aloe condyae is a rare, dwarf, cluster-forming, cliff-dwelling succulent, up to 100 mm high, with short, ascending stems and leaves in a rosette. It is...
Aloe comosa
Aloe comosa is a striking, single-stemmed, summer-flowering aloe that is hardly known in cultivation....
Aloe claviflora
Aloe claviflora is one of the easiest succulent plants to identify in the arid regions of the wild either by its angled inflorescence that protrudes horizontally...
Aloe ciliaris var ciliaris
This plant is now called Aloiampelos ciliaris var. ciliaris....
Aloe chlorantha
Aloe chlorantha is a medium-sized aloe from Fraserburg in the Karoo, at once distinguished by its erect solitary inflorescence, up to 1.6 m high,...
Aloe challisii
Aloe challisii is a charming new cliff-dwelling aloe from the Steenkampsberg in Mpumlanga Province. It is easily grown from cuttings and thrives as...
Aloe chabaudii
Grey aloe is a water-wise garden plant which can be planted in a rockery garden and flower beds to add colour during the winter season. It is a stemless...
Aloe catengiana
Aloe catengiana is only known from the Catengue Railway Station in southwestern Angola. It is a shrubby ascending aloe with spreading, leafy branches...
Aloe castanea
An attractive, large aloe that occurs in savanna and grassland, with very distinctive spreading branches and snake-like Inflorescences; and flowers filled...
Aloe broomii
Aloe broomii has a unique feature that no other aloe has - the flowers and buds cannot be seen when the flower is fully open because they are completely...
Aloe brevifolia var brevifolia
Aloe bowiea
Aloe bowiea is very distinctive and uncommon amongst the species of Aloe, with very small, grass-like leaves and inconspicuous flowers. Its habitat is...
Aloe arborescens
The krantz aloe is a valuable garden asset, it has large beautiful flowers, attractive foliage, decorative form, and it is easy to grow. It is also a 'must-have'...
Aloe andersonii
A cliff-dwelling grass aloe, with soft leaves drooping from the sandstone cliff faces of Mount Anderson. It flowers in spring, when the solitary...
Aloe albida
Aloe albida is a dwarf aloe with small white flowers. This species likes misty mountain grassland habitats and thrives in crevices amongst mossy rocks...
Aloe africana
Aloe africana is a very attractive aloe which adapts to a wide range of conditions. Aloes are characteristic of the African continent where most species...
Aloe aculeata
You will do well to give this attractive aloe with its yellow to reddish orange flowers, which used to have place of pride on our old 10 cent nickel coin,...
Allophylus natalensis
A very decorative, evergreen shrub or small tree, which produces tiny, sweet-scented, white to cream-coloured flowers in autumn. It is hard not to notice...
Allophylus dregeanus
Allophylus dregeanus, found in the evergreen forest, will greet you with its sweetly scented flowers, surrounded by beautiful butterflies....