Plants of the Week
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Bauhinia galpinii
With attractive brick red flowers from December onwards this scrambling shrub is a summer delight in many gardens....
Protea caffra
The common sugar bush is one of three proteas which occur in the Witwatersrand area. ...
Crassula coccinea
When hiking up Table Mountain in midsummer to find the red disa, Disa uniflora, in flower, one is sure to also see the brilliant red crassula, Crassula...
Streptocarpus formosus
Walking down the Camphor Avenue at Kirstenbosch, one can not but stop to admire the clumps of Streptocarpus formosus flowering on the ground. Formosus...
Wahlenbergia undulata
A special delight for the summer garden is Wahlenbergia undulata with its soft mauve bells dancing on long slender stems....
Ipomoea albivenia
Ipomoea albivenia is a vigorous perennial deciduous climber up to 10 m long, belonging to the morning glory family (Convolvulaceae)....
Agapanthus inapertus subsp. pendulus 'Graskop'
This striking agapanthus with its compact head of drooping, dark violet blue flowers is always commented on when first seen. The buds as they emerge seem...
Erythrina humeana
The dwarf coral tree is an ideal tree or shrub for the small garden, especially for people who love the scarlet flowers of the common coral tree (Erythrina...
Thunbergia natalensis
Thunbergia natalensis is a popular, fast growing garden plant. occurs naturally along forest margins, in bush and in grassland. It occurs in...
Salvia chamelaeagnea
Members of the sage family are known worldwide as excellent herbs and beautiful garden plants. Salvia chamelaeagnea, which grows wild in the south western...
Salix mucronata
A graceful tree that withstands both frost and drought....
Peltophorum africanum
A semi-deciduous tree with acacia-like foliage and showy yellow flowers, it's also an excellent tree for bee-keepers....
Orphium frutescens
Flowering in the heat of summer the glossy pink stars of Orphium frutescens always attract attention, especially with the surrounding vegetation going...
Hesperantha coccinea
Geranium multisectum
Like pelargoniums, this is a geranium which makes an interesting garden plant....
Dais cotinifolia
The pompon tree is one of the best known and well-loved indigenous trees, tough enough to be used as a street tree and small enough to fit into most gardens....
Monopsis unidentata
This lovely, dainty plant caught our attention and was collected growing wild with buffalo grass (Stenotaphrum secundatum) around Nature's Valley....
Leucadendron salignum
Leucadendron salignum is the most widespread species of the family Proteaceae, occurring in a large part of South Africa. ...
Scabiosa africana
Seeing Scabiosa africana on the mountain, the first thought is that it must have escaped from a garden nearby. With its big mauve flowers and soft leaves,...
Leucospermum tottum
Leucospermum tottum is a handsome, much branched shrub whose flowers are excellent for flower arranging....