Plants of the Week
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Allium synnotii
The wild onion (Allium synnotii) grows widespread in the drier regions of the winter-rainfall region. Plants are usually solitary, but grow in groups,...
Cienfuegosia hildebrandtii
Small Cotton Bush has beautiful, bicoloured, hibiscus-like flowers, with bold red to maroon centres on yellow flowers. Unlike the true Cotton, Gossypium...
Stilbe vestita
Stilbe vestita is a fynbos shrub with upright stems that are covered with closely packed, needle-like leaves, and have dense spikes of small white flowers...
Ledebouria megaphylla
An attractive bulbous plant with broadly ovate, attractively spotted leaves and purple flowers in spring. The species has fast become popular in horticulture...
Restio virgeus
A small restio forming dense, tangled tufts, with curly branches when young, that straighten out when mature and produce attractive, reddish-brown inflorescences...
Eucomis sonnetteana
This jewel of Mpumalanga is one of the dwarf pineapple lilies, so named, because their flowerheads resemble a pineapple. This one is a recently discovered...
Cotula pruinosa
Cotula pruinosa is a yellow flowered annual that occurs in the winter rainfall region of South Africa.Fig. 1. The flowerhead of Cotula pruinosa. Photos...
Lapeirousia jacquinii
A small plant with vibrant purple, white and reddish flowers, best enjoyed at close quarters. It is perfectly suited for pots in small spaces, grows easily...
Euphorbia umfoloziensis
In a hot river valley in northern KwaZulu-Natal, this rare, spiny, dwarf succulent can be found. It has only ever been recorded from this one river valley....
Haworthiopsis limifolia
Haworthiopsis limifolia is a small, compact, rosulate, leafy succulent that grows singly or in groups. This species is commonly known as umathithibala...
Carpobrotus deliciosus
A flat-growing, rapidly spreading, evergreen, succulent-leaved perennial with large, purple-pink flowers in spring and edible fruits, Carpobrotus deliciosus...
Vigna vexillata var. vexillata
Vigna vexillata var. vexillata is a perennial, creeping or climbing herb, with beautiful and pleasantly scented, whitish to mauve or dark pink flowers...
Crassula alba
A low-maintenance, attractive garden plant, with enormous, scarlet flower heads that offer a splash of colour to our autumn grasslands, and bright green,...
Hermannia scabra
Hermannia scabra is an evergreen shrublet with gorgeous, eye catching, bright yellow, bell-shaped flowers in winter and spring; ideal for fynbos and renosterveld...
Nerine ridleyi
Nerine ridleyi is a seldom seen, light pink or rose-pink-flowered geophyte with arching, grey leaves, occurring on upper mountain slopes in the southwestern...
Babiana stricta
Babiana stricta is now known as Babiana nervosa....
Babiana nervosa
Gladiolus permeabilis
A hardy bulbous plant with dainty and intensely sweet-smelling flowers, perfectly paired with short grasses.Fig. 1. Flowers of Gladiolus permeabilis var....
Tylosema esculentum
Tylosema esculentum is a long-lived, underutilized, drought-tolerant, perennial legume that grows wild on the arid and semi-arid grasslands of southern...
Haworthia retusa var. turgida
Haworthia retusa var. turgida is a dwarf, cluster-forming, cliff-hugger, with numerous, small rosettes of light green to reddish succulent leaves, often...