Plants of the Week
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Avicennia marina
Every travel agent's idea of a tropical paradise involves white, palm-fringed beaches and "the murmur of summer seas" - but what are those...
Millettia stuhlmanni
Millettia stuhlmannii is a well known timber tree internationally exported for woodwork. Only one subpopulation of this species exists in South Africa...
Wurmbea marginata
Pelargonium crispum
Pelargonium crispum is ideal for any garden as it produces pretty pink flowers for most of the year....
Cynorhiza typica
Cynorhiza typica is a striking wild carrot, the root of which was once commonly used in the West Coast region of the Cape to brew an intoxicating honey...
Pteleopsis myrtifolia
Here we have a very attractive and under-appreciated tree, most often seen in one of the most unusual environments in South Africa, namely the sandveld...
Gasteria armstrongii
Gasteria armstrongii is a dwarf aloe-like, succulent-leaved stone plant, endemic to the Renosterveld flats between Jeffreys Bay and the Gamtoos River...
Lobelia anceps
If you are looking for an attractive groundcover for a wet or boggy area, the swamp lobelia could be the perfect plant for you!...
Erica haematocodon
This erica from the Cape peninsula has blood red flowers....
Pelargonium ternatum
this is a beautiful hardy pelargonium that is suited to a miniature rockery....
Barleria rogersii
To cover the bare sunny spots between rocks in your garden you need Barleria rogersii....
Pleiospilos nelii
Pleiospilos nelii is an intriguing little succulent and one of the best examples of mimicry....
Erica coccinea subsp. coccinea
Erica coccinea subsp. coccinea is a decorative fynbos shrub with large, pendulous tubular flowers, in a range of colours, that attract sunbirds to the...
Gladiolus carmineus
Gladiolus carmineus is a striking geophyte with intensely red-pink flowers....
Anisodontea scabrosa
Who can resist a bright cheerful shrub that flowers throughout the year? This mallow is ideally suited for home gardens being able to withstand coastal...
Strelitzia caudata
Strelitzia caudata is one of three arborescent banana-like Strelitzia species occurring in southern Africa. It is a good focal point for a mid-size to...
Brackenridgea zanguebarica
Gladiolus dalenii
Gladiolus dalenii and other Gladiolus species are popular garden plants, cultivated in Europe for more than 250 years and renowned for their striking,...
Gasteria ellaphieae
Gasteria ellaphieae is a dwarf aloe-like, succulent-leaved plant (rock crevice plant) endemic to the Kouga Dam region of the Eastern Cape Province....
Galtonia candicans
Galtonia candicans is now called Ornithogalum candicans....