Plants of the Week
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Sparaxis maculosa
Known from only two localities, one recently discovered, this spectacularly large-flowered species is sadly frail in its magnificence, a shadow cast upon...
Liparia splendens subsp. splendens
Liparia splendens is a beautiful fynbos shrub with striking bright orange-yellow, nodding flowerheads in winter-summer, a rare find both in the wild...
Strumaria tenella subsp. orientalis
This interesting perennial bulb grows in the cracks and in the topsoil of dolerite rocks surrounded by Nama Karoo vegetation. The plant's most attractive...
Streptocarpus primulifolius
This is one of the more striking Streptocarpus species with lovely large, trumpet-shaped flowers in deep shades of mauve with distinctive dark...
Laportea grossa
Laportea grossa has decorative, glossy dark green foliage with conspicuous white spots - an excellent plant to brighten up a shady bed, but it needs careful...
Cassia abbreviata subsp. beareana
The long-tail cassia is ideal for small to medium-sized gardens where it will attract attention with both its beautiful deep yellow, sweetly scented flowers...
Pelargonium abrotanifolium
This small flowering shrublet with aromatic foliage provides beauty and colour all year round to any arid garden and rockery....
Hibiscus calyphyllus
This perennial shrub with its striking, large, lemon-yellow flowers and velvety leaves is perfect as an informal border or as a centrepiece in a small...
Oscularia piquetbergensis
Oscularia piquetbergensis, just like O. deltoides, is another easy-to-grow succulent groundcover for low-maintenance and water-wise gardens....
Drosera capensis
Glistening dewdrops adorn the strap-like leaves of the sundew, enticing insects to their deaths. ...
Syncarpha eximia
This beautiful plant has prominent, showy, red and orange flower heads that in bud are reminiscent of a bowl of strawberries, borne above erect stems covered...
Rotheca hirsuta
Rotheca hirsuta occurs mainly in grassland. It is one of the first spring flowers to appear after winter in the summer rainfall regions....
Anemone vesicatoria
Anemone vesicatoria is one of the few and best fynbos plants for the shady garden. Tough and water-wise, a mature clump of this plant with its attractive...
Trichodesma angustifolium
Dainty pale blue flowers that turn pink with age cover bushes of Trichodesma angustifolium subsp. angustifolium in springtime, especially after fire....
Markhamia zanzibarica
Markhamia zanzibarica, a small, tropical tree with striking flowers and decorative fruits, is Tree of the Year for 2008, together with Diospyros...
Pachycarpus schinzianus
In spring and summer Pachycarpus schinzianus and Xysmalobium undulatum are the two largest and most readily distinguished asclepiads in the grasslands...
Diosma oppositifolia
Diosma oppositifolia is an aromatic shrub with attractive foliage and a long flowering season; it is a useful filler shrub for fynbos and water-wise...
Crassula dejecta
Crassula dejecta has decorative, fresh green foliage and showy white summer flowers, a good ground cover for the water-wise garden and a rewarding...
Barringtonia racemosa
This beautiful mangrove tree is easily recognized by its large leaves, delicate white flowers and guava-like fruit that hang in long racemes....
Salvia africana
Salvia africana is a decorative, aromatic shrub with medicinal properties. Keep it neat and pruned and it will reward you with flowers almost all year...