Plants of the Week
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Carpobrotus dimidiatus
Rhodohypoxis baurii
Rhodohypoxis baurii is a diminutive, enchanting plant, forming colourful carpets of white, pink and red in rocky places in the Drakensberg area. It...
Pachypodium namaquanum
Pachypodium namaquanum must rate as the most sought-after and popular of all large succulents from the arid Northern Cape and southern Namibia,...
Gasteria tukhelensis
Gasteria tukhelensis is one of the more or less 20 species so far known of the popular, aloe-like genus Gasteria which is endemic to southern...
Elaeodendron transvaalense
Elaeodendron transvaalense is an attractive, small to medium tree that fits perfectly in a small garden. Those gardening for biodiversity will find this...
Pelargonium ovale
Pelargonium ovale is one of several tufted pelargoniums that are suitable for container gardens....
The genus Ficinia of the tribe Scirpeae is remarkable in that almost all of the ± 60 species are endemic to the Cape Floristic Region. Species range...
Felicia aethiopica
This lovely plant with its bright blue flowers is a must in every garden as it flowers all year, keeping your garden bright and beautiful....
Erica bakeri
Erica bakeri is one of the most threatened species in the Ericaceae family. It is only known from one locality that is threatened by alien vegetation,...
Haemanthus deformis
A dense cluster of white flowers borne atop a short hairy stem and large, fleshy grey leaves make Haemanthus deformis one of South Africa 's most...
Cladostemon kirkii
How is it possible that a tree with such attractive flowers should bear fruits with such an awful stench?...
Plectranthus ambiguus
Plectranthus ambiguus brings soft green foliage and a splash of vivid violet-purple during autumn to shady areas in the garden, and it is easy...
Helichrysum platypterum
Helichrysum platypterum is equally attractive as other members of the daisy family, more especially when in full bloom. If one is able to dig deep enough...
Ziziphus mucronata
Ziziphus mucronata, or as it is more frequently known, the wag-'n-bietjie tree represents life as we know it. The young twigs are zigzag,...
Widdringtonia schwarzii
Widdringtonia schwarzii is an ancient giant from the Baviaanskloof Mountains, often with a gnarled trunk and spreading branches, which can reach 40...
Schotia latifolia
The attractive pink blooms of the forest boer-bean are probably its most distinctive feature, unlike its close relatives, the weeping boer-bean (Schotia...
Phylica ericoides
Phylica ericoides is a tough but decorative little shrub with dark green foliage and masses of showy white flower heads during autumn-winter, perfect...
Hesperantha sufflava
Once thought to be extinct in the wild, Hesperantha sufflava, a delicate, cormous perennial, was rediscovered on an urban development site in 2004, antithetically...
Commelina africana
Commelina africana differs from most other Commelina species by having pretty, small, canary-yellow flowers instead of the usual blue flowers, and also...
Lobelia aquaemontis
Flowering with masses of sky-blue flowers, this delicate little lobelia gives a lovely display for many months in summer....